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Alamo Colleges



Class Schedule Listing


Fall 2024
Feb 08,2025
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The college name for the returned sections will be highlighted in the college color. SAC at NLC sections will be coded as SAC but highlighted in the NLC color.
San Antonio College St Philip's College Palo Alto College Northwest Vista College Northeast Lakeview College

Sections Found
College Algebra - 48172 - MATH 1314 - 001
This is a Flex I course which begins on August 26, 2024.

This F2F course will meet in the assigned classroom on campus during the scheduled class times. The course will be taught in the same way as a pre-Covid F2F course.

This is a MATH 1314 co-requisite courseand is intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher majors and some nursing majors). Students will learn developmental topics to support them through college level math 1314.

The student must enroll in both Math 1314 (CRN 48172) and Math 0214 (CRN 48185).

NOTE: MATH 0214 runs an additional 50 minutes to the time listed above. The additional time is added to the end time listed above.

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 27,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
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Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 10:00 am - 11:15 am MTWR Cedar Elm Stem Center 117 Aug 26,2024 - Oct 19,2024 Lecture Heidi L Hunt (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 48191 - MATH 1314 - 002
This is a Flex I course which begins on August 26, 2024.

This F2F course will meet in the assigned classroom on campus during the scheduled class times. The course will be taught in the same way as a pre-Covid F2F course.

This is a MATH 1314 co-requisite courseand is intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher majors and some nursing majors). Students will learn developmental topics to support them through college level math 1314.

The student must enroll in both Math 1314 (CRN 48191) and Math 0214 (CRN 48192).

NOTE: MATH 0214 runs an additional 50 minutes to the time listed above. The additional time is added to the end time listed above.

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 27,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 12:30 pm - 1:45 pm MTWR Cedar Elm Stem Center 117 Aug 26,2024 - Oct 19,2024 Lecture Heidi L Hunt (P)E-mail

College Algebra Stand Alone - 18957 - MATH 1314 - 003
Asynchronous instruction delivered online via CANVAS and additional online tools. There may be a face-to-face component such as orientation, laboratory, exam review, or an in-person test. In other words, the instruction for this course will be delivered via CANVAS with no scheduled class meetings.

This class is only for students with a TSI score of 950+ or TSI 910 to 949 with Diagnostic of score of 6 on the Math portion of the TSI, or have completed Math 0320 with a C or higher. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead.

***Note*** If you are new to online classes, you are REQUIRED to take the Orientation to Online Learning course, OLRN 0001. This course familiarizes students with navigating through the online system for a successful start. All the content of this course will be delivered online. Students enrolling in this course must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. Before the end of the first week of class, students are expected to complete all of the requirements of the class orientation in CANVAS by the due date set by the instructor and be registered in the required course software. Otherwise, the student may be dropped from the course. All exams are to be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 27,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: Accelerated, *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
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Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Oct 19,2024 Lecture Matthew Franklin Hudock (P)E-mail

College Algebra Stand Alone - 53572 - MATH 1314 - 004
Asynchronous instruction delivered online via CANVAS and additional online tools. There may be a face-to-face component such as orientation, laboratory, exam review, or an in-person test. In other words, the instruction for this course will be delivered via CANVAS with no scheduled class meetings.

This class is only for students with a TSI score of 950+ or TSI 910 to 949 with Diagnostic of score of 6 on the Math portion of the TSI, or have completed Math 0320 with a C or higher. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead.

***Note*** If you are new to online classes, you are REQUIRED to take the Orientation to Online Learning course, OLRN 0001. This course familiarizes students with navigating through the online system for a successful start. All the content of this course will be delivered online. Students enrolling in this course must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. Before the end of the first week of class, students are expected to complete all of the requirements of the class orientation in CANVAS by the due date set by the instructor and be registered in the required course software. Otherwise, the student may be dropped from the course. All exams are to be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 27,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: Accelerated, *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Oct 19,2024 Lecture Shannon A Patterson (P)E-mail

College Algebra Stand Alone - 56496 - MATH 1314 - 005
Asynchronous instruction delivered online via CANVAS and additional online tools. There may be a face-to-face component such as orientation, laboratory, exam review, or an in-person test. In other words, the instruction for this course will be delivered via CANVAS with no scheduled class meetings.

This class is only for students with a TSI score of 950+ or TSI 910 to 949 with Diagnostic of score of 6 on the Math portion of the TSI, or have completed Math 0320 with a C or higher. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead.

***Note*** If you are new to online classes, you are REQUIRED to take the Orientation to Online Learning course, OLRN 0001. This course familiarizes students with navigating through the online system for a successful start. All the content of this course will be delivered online. Students enrolling in this course must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. Before the end of the first week of class, students are expected to complete all of the requirements of the class orientation in CANVAS by the due date set by the instructor and be registered in the required course software. Otherwise, the student may be dropped from the course. All exams are to be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 27,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: Accelerated, *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Oct 19,2024 Lecture Matthew Franklin Hudock (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 48233 - MATH 1314 - 006
This F2F course will meet in the assigned classroom on campus during the scheduled class times. The course will be taught in the same way as a pre-Covid F2F course.

This is a college level course intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher and some nursing majors.)

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
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Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 6:30 am - 7:45 am MW NVC Juniper Hall Academic Ctr 335 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Joanne Jones (P)E-mail

College Algebra Stand Alone - 11107 - MATH 1314 - 007
This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. In other words, this course is scheduled to meet face-to-face on campus in the assigned room during the scheduled class times. Students will attend class face-to-face following the CDC guidelines. It is also possible that this class may be converted to a remote learning only class meeting through Zoom at the scheduled class times. If that happens, a student must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. If the course is taught through remote learning, a student will need to access the course through CANVAS and all exams will be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform. Your instructor will either provide you with more information in CANVAS about the requirements to attend face-to-face classes in the current COVID environment or provide you with a Zoom link in CANVAS to attend class remotely.

This class is only for students with a TSI score of 950+ or TSI 910 to 949 with Diagnostic of score of 6 on the Math portion of the TSI, or have completed Math 0320 with a C or higher. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 7:45 am - 9:00 am MW Clarence W. Norris 314 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Habibollah Allahimoghadam (P)E-mail

College Algebra Stand Alone - 11110 - MATH 1314 - 008
This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. In other words, this course is scheduled to meet face-to-face on campus in the assigned room during the scheduled class times. Students will attend class face-to-face following the CDC guidelines. It is also possible that this class may be converted to a remote learning only class meeting through Zoom at the scheduled class times. If that happens, a student must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. If the course is taught through remote learning, a student will need to access the course through CANVAS and all exams will be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform. Your instructor will either provide you with more information in CANVAS about the requirements to attend face-to-face classes in the current COVID environment or provide you with a Zoom link in CANVAS to attend class remotely.

This class is only for students with a TSI score of 950+ or TSI 910 to 949 with Diagnostic of score of 6 on the Math portion of the TSI, or have completed Math 0320 with a C or higher. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 9:15 am - 10:30 am MW Clarence W. Norris 314 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Habibollah Allahimoghadam (P)E-mail

College Algebra Stand Alone - 11111 - MATH 1314 - 009
This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. In other words, this course is scheduled to meet face-to-face on campus in the assigned room during the scheduled class times. Students will attend class face-to-face following the CDC guidelines. It is also possible that this class may be converted to a remote learning only class meeting through Zoom at the scheduled class times. If that happens, a student must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. If the course is taught through remote learning, a student will need to access the course through CANVAS and all exams will be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform. Your instructor will either provide you with more information in CANVAS about the requirements to attend face-to-face classes in the current COVID environment or provide you with a Zoom link in CANVAS to attend class remotely.

This class is only for students with a TSI score of 950+ or TSI 910 to 949 with Diagnostic of score of 6 on the Math portion of the TSI, or have completed Math 0320 with a C or higher. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead.

Some seats in this course may be reserved for SAISD ECHS students.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 10:45 am - 12:00 pm MW Clarence W. Norris 215 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Angela Knight (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 14753 - MATH 1314 - 010
Remote Instruction: This course will meet via Zoom during the scheduled class times. Your instructor will provide you with the Zoom link for your class. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included in this course.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 8:00 am - 9:15 am MW PAC San Jacinto Hall 113 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Aimee Elizabeth Maceyko (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 38367 - MATH 1314 - 011
This section is offered fully on campus. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course. CO-REQUISITE COURSE: Students must register for (CRN: 35992) Math 0114, MW, 9:20AM - 9:45AM and (CRN: 38367) Math 1314, MW, 8:00AM - 9:15AM.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details, MATH 1314 + MATH 0114 Co-Reqs

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 8:00 am - 9:15 am MW Rio Grande Building 228 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Thomas Jay Reed (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 38373 - MATH 1314 - 012
This section is offered fully on campus. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course. CO-REQUISITE COURSE: Students must register for (CRN: 39621) Math 0214, MW, 9:20AM - 10:10AM and (CRN: 38373) Math 1314, MW, 8:00AM - 9:15AM.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, Embe Tutoring/Supp Instruction, *SELECT Title link for details, MATH 1314 + MATH 0214 Co-Reqs

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 8:00 am - 9:15 am MW Rio Grande Building 231 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Zachery Anthony Garcia Viray (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 39390 - MATH 1314 - 013
This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction.  This is a full-term, 16-week course.

DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Instructional Materials Charge.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">San Antonio College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 8:00 am - 9:15 am MW SAC McCreless Hall 216 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Marisol Sanchez Cortez (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 44284 - MATH 1314 - 014
Face-to-Face Instruction: This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. **Students planning to take Pre-Calculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead**
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northeast Lakeview College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 8:00 am - 9:15 am MW Salado Hall - Academic 216 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Michele Anne Donnelly (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 44286 - MATH 1314 - 015
Face-to-Face Instruction: This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. In order to enroll in this course you must enroll in Math 0214 (CRN# 45710), which meets face-to-face Mondays and Wednesdays, 9:35 AM - 10:25 AM. **Students planning to take Pre-Calculus should enroll in Math 1414+0214 instead**
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northeast Lakeview College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 8:00 am - 9:15 am MW Salado Hall - Academic 214 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Rebbecca R Guevara (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 46141 - MATH 1314 - 016
This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction.  This is a full-term, 16-week course.

Enrollment in BOTH Math 1314 CRN 46141 and Math 0114 CRN 46097 is required.

Together these classes meet from 08:00-10:15am

DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Instructional Materials Charge.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">San Antonio College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 8:00 am - 9:15 am MW SAC McCreless Hall 206 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Shiva Rai (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 52251 - MATH 1314 - 017
This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. This is a full-term, sixteen-week course. Students must enroll in MATH 0114 CRN 52252. Together, Math 1314 and Math 0114 meet on MW from 0800 to 1010AM. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Instructional Materials Charge.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">San Antonio College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 8:00 am - 9:15 am MW SAC McCreless Hall 217 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Carlos C Corona (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 35804 - MATH 1314 - 018
This F2F course will meet in the assigned classroom on campus during the scheduled class times. The course will be taught in the same way as a pre-Covid F2F course.

This is a MATH 1314/0114 Co-Requisite course and is intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher and some nursing majors). Students will learn developmental topics to support them through college level math 1314.

Students must enroll in the associated co-req course described below. In addition to a lecture component for this course, a lab component is required and will be part of your course grade.

The student must enroll in both Math 1314 (CRN 35804) and Math 0114 (CRN 35776).

NOTE: MATH 0114 runs an additional 25 minutes to the time listed above. The additional time is added to the end time listed above.

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 9:00 am - 10:15 am MW NVC Juniper Hall Academic Ctr 307 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Kim Cuc Thi Do (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 42184 - MATH 1314 - 019
This F2F course will meet in the assigned classroom on campus during the scheduled class times. The course will be taught in the same way as a pre-Covid F2F course.

This is a MATH 1314/0214 Co-Requisite course and is intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher majors and some nursing majors). Students will learn developmental topics to support them through college level math 1314.

The student must enroll in both Math 1314 (CRN 42184) and Math 0214 (CRN 42185).

NOTE: CoReq MATH 0214 runs on Friday an additional 1 hour and 40 minutes.

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 9:00 am - 10:15 am MW NVC Juniper Hall Academic Ctr 303 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Candelario Ramirez (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 46130 - MATH 1314 - 020
This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction.  This is a full-term, 16-week course.

Enrollment in BOTH Math 1314 CRN 46130 and Math 0214 CRN 46091 is required.

Together these classes meet from 09:00-11:10am

DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Instructional Materials Charge.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">San Antonio College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 9:00 am - 10:15 am MW SAC McCreless Hall 108 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Meagan Shadfan (P)E-mail

College Algebra Stand Alone - 53844 - MATH 1314 - 021
This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. In other words, this course is scheduled to meet face-to-face on campus in the assigned room during the scheduled class times. Students will attend class face-to-face following the CDC guidelines. It is also possible that this class may be converted to a remote learning only class meeting through Zoom at the scheduled class times. If that happens, a student must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. If the course is taught through remote learning, a student will need to access the course through CANVAS and all exams will be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform. Your instructor will either provide you with more information in CANVAS about the requirements to attend face-to-face classes in the current COVID environment or provide you with a Zoom link in CANVAS to attend class remotely.

This class is only for students with a TSI score of 950+ or TSI 910 to 949 with Diagnostic of score of 6 on the Math portion of the TSI, or have completed Math 0320 with a C or higher. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 10:45 am - 12:00 pm MW Clarence W. Norris 314 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Halah Jaber (P)E-mail

College Algebra Stand Alone - 11113 - MATH 1314 - 022
This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. In other words, this course is scheduled to meet face-to-face on campus in the assigned room during the scheduled class times. Students will attend class face-to-face following the CDC guidelines. It is also possible that this class may be converted to a remote learning only class meeting through Zoom at the scheduled class times. If that happens, a student must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. If the course is taught through remote learning, a student will need to access the course through CANVAS and all exams will be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform. Your instructor will either provide you with more information in CANVAS about the requirements to attend face-to-face classes in the current COVID environment or provide you with a Zoom link in CANVAS to attend class remotely.

This class is only for students with a TSI score of 950+ or TSI 910 to 949 with Diagnostic of score of 6 on the Math portion of the TSI, or have completed Math 0320 with a C or higher. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 12:15 pm - 1:30 pm MW Clarence W. Norris 314 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Habibollah Allahimoghadam (P)E-mail

College Algebra Stand Alone - 11114 - MATH 1314 - 023
This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. In other words, this course is scheduled to meet face-to-face on campus in the assigned room during the scheduled class times. Students will attend class face-to-face following the CDC guidelines. It is also possible that this class may be converted to a remote learning only class meeting through Zoom at the scheduled class times. If that happens, a student must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. If the course is taught through remote learning, a student will need to access the course through CANVAS and all exams will be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform. Your instructor will either provide you with more information in CANVAS about the requirements to attend face-to-face classes in the current COVID environment or provide you with a Zoom link in CANVAS to attend class remotely.

This class is only for students with a TSI score of 950+ or TSI 910 to 949 with Diagnostic of score of 6 on the Math portion of the TSI, or have completed Math 0320 with a C or higher. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm MW Clarence W. Norris 316 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Desiree Y Smith (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 46210 - MATH 1314 - 024
This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction.  This is a full-term, 16-week course.

DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Instructional Materials Charge.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">San Antonio College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 9:25 am - 10:40 am MW SAC McCreless Hall 214 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Samuel E Hairston (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 48300 - MATH 1314 - 025
This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. This is a full-term, sixteen-week course. Students must enroll in MATH 0114 CRN 48301. Together, Math 1314 and Math 0114 meet on MW from 9:25am to 11:35am. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Instructional Materials Charge.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">San Antonio College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 9:25 am - 10:40 am MW SAC McCreless Hall 216 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Shahla Zahroony (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 18440 - MATH 1314 - 026
This course will meet via Zoom during the scheduled class times. Your instructor will provide you with the Zoom link for your class in ACES/My Courses.

This is a college level course intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher and some nursing majors.)

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Zoom/VideoTape/DVD/BroadcastTV Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 9:30 am - 10:45 am MW Remote Learning REMOTE Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Dennis J Gittinger (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 26216 - MATH 1314 - 027
This section is offered fully on campus. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 9:30 am - 10:45 am MW Rio Grande Building 210 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Darlene Tresa Price-Johnson (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 38378 - MATH 1314 - 028
This section is offered fully on campus. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course. CO-REQUISITE COURSE: Students must register for (CRN: 39622) Math 0214, MW, 10:50AM - 11:40AM and (CRN: 38378) Math 1314, MW, 9:30A - 10:45AM.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, Embe Tutoring/Supp Instruction, *SELECT Title link for details, MATH 1314 + MATH 0214 Co-Reqs

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 9:30 am - 10:45 am MW PAC San Jacinto Hall 113 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Aimee Elizabeth Maceyko (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 44287 - MATH 1314 - 029
Face-to-Face Instruction: This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. **Students planning to take Pre-Calculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead**
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northeast Lakeview College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 9:30 am - 10:45 am MW Paluxy Hall 200 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Jennifer Wheat Skrhak (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 45476 - MATH 1314 - 030
This section is offered fully on campus. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 9:30 am - 10:45 am MW PAC Brazos Hall 202 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Juan A Cadena (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 49485 - MATH 1314 - 031
This section is offered fully on campus. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course. CO-REQUISITE COURSE: Students must register for (CRN: 49486) Math 0214, MW, 10:50AM - 11:40AM and (CRN: 49485) Math 1314, MW, 9:30AM - 10:45AM.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details, MATH 1314 + MATH 0214 Co-Reqs

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 9:30 am - 10:45 am MW PAC San Jacinto Hall 109 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Bhawana Ranjan (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 38368 - MATH 1314 - 032
This section is offered fully on campus. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course. CO-REQUISITE COURSE: Students must register for (CRN: 35994) Math 0114, MW, 11:20AM - 11:45AM and (CRN: 38368) Math 1314, MW, 10:00AM - 11:15AM.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details, MATH 1314 + MATH 0114 Co-Reqs

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 10:00 am - 11:15 am MW Rio Grande Building 228 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Thomas Jay Reed (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 46244 - MATH 1314 - 033
Reserved for Honors Academy: This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction.  This is a full-term, 16-week course.

Enrollment in BOTH Math 1314 CRN 46244 and Math 0114 CRN 46245 is required.

Together these classes meet from 10:00-12:10pm

DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Instructional Materials Charge.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, Honors Course, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">San Antonio College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 10:00 am - 11:15 am MW SAC McCreless Hall 137 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture David Chavera (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 52257 - MATH 1314 - 034
This is a 16-week, course.

Students must enroll in MATH 0214 CRN 53589. Together, Math 1314 and Math 0214 meet on MW from 10 to 1210.

VA students: Check with your advisor to ensure this type of class will not affect your benefits. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Instructional Materials Charge.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">San Antonio College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 10:00 am - 11:15 am MW SAC McCreless Hall 140 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Ruby R Martinez (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 41756 - MATH 1314 - 035
This F2F course will meet in the assigned classroom on campus during the scheduled class times. The course will be taught in the same way as a pre-Covid F2F course.

This is a MATH 1314 co-requisite courseand is intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher majors and some nursing majors). Students will learn developmental topics to support them through college level math 1314.

The student must enroll in both Math 1314 (CRN 41756) and Math 0214 (CRN 41757).

NOTE: MATH 0214 runs an additional 50 minutes to the time listed above. The additional time is added to the end time listed above.

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 10:30 am - 11:45 am MW NVC Juniper Hall Academic Ctr 303 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Amy L Collins Montalbano (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 53518 - MATH 1314 - 036
This F2F course will meet in the assigned classroom on campus during the scheduled class times. The course will be taught in the same way as a pre-Covid F2F course.

This is a MATH 1314 co-requisite courseand is intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher majors and some nursing majors). Students will learn developmental topics to support them through college level math 1314.

The student must enroll in both Math 1314 (CRN 53518) and Math 0214 (CRN 53519).

NOTE: MATH 0214 runs an additional 50 minutes to the time listed above. The additional time is added to the end time listed above.

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 10:30 am - 11:45 am MW NVC Juniper Hall Academic Ctr 333 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Faranak Bayat (P)E-mail

College Algebra Stand Alone - 38140 - MATH 1314 - 037
This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. In other words, this course is scheduled to meet face-to-face on campus in the assigned room during the scheduled class times. Students will attend class face-to-face following the CDC guidelines. It is also possible that this class may be converted to a remote learning only class meeting through Zoom at the scheduled class times. If that happens, a student must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. If the course is taught through remote learning, a student will need to access the course through CANVAS and all exams will be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform. Your instructor will either provide you with more information in CANVAS about the requirements to attend face-to-face classes in the current COVID environment or provide you with a Zoom link in CANVAS to attend class remotely.

This class is only for students with a TSI score of 950+ or TSI 910 to 949 with Diagnostic of score of 6 on the Math portion of the TSI, or have completed Math 0320 with a C or higher. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 3:15 pm - 4:30 pm MW Clarence W. Norris 316 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Terry Lee Gastauer (P)E-mail

College Algebra Stand Alone - 55231 - MATH 1314 - 038
This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. In other words, this course is scheduled to meet face-to-face on campus in the assigned room during the scheduled class times. Students will attend class face-to-face following the CDC guidelines. It is also possible that this class may be converted to a remote learning only class meeting through Zoom at the scheduled class times. If that happens, a student must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. If the course is taught through remote learning, a student will need to access the course through CANVAS and all exams will be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform. Your instructor will either provide you with more information in CANVAS about the requirements to attend face-to-face classes in the current COVID environment or provide you with a Zoom link in CANVAS to attend class remotely.

This class is only for students with a TSI score of 950+ or TSI 910 to 949 with Diagnostic of score of 6 on the Math portion of the TSI, or have completed Math 0320 with a C or higher. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 9:15 am - 10:30 am MW Clarence W. Norris 216 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Halah Jaber (P)E-mail

College Algebra Stand Alone - 11117 - MATH 1314 - 039
This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. In other words, this course is scheduled to meet face-to-face on campus in the assigned room during the scheduled class times. Students will attend class face-to-face following the CDC guidelines. It is also possible that this class may be converted to a remote learning only class meeting through Zoom at the scheduled class times. If that happens, a student must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. If the course is taught through remote learning, a student will need to access the course through CANVAS and all exams will be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform. Your instructor will either provide you with more information in CANVAS about the requirements to attend face-to-face classes in the current COVID environment or provide you with a Zoom link in CANVAS to attend class remotely.

This class is only for students with a TSI score of 950+ or TSI 910 to 949 with Diagnostic of score of 6 on the Math portion of the TSI, or have completed Math 0320 with a C or higher. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 9:15 am - 10:30 am TR Clarence W. Norris 219 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Angela Knight (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 14755 - MATH 1314 - 040
This section is offered fully on campus. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 11:00 am - 12:15 pm MW Rio Grande Building 231 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Linglin Liu (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 22934 - MATH 1314 - 041
This section is offered fully on campus. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 11:00 am - 12:15 pm MW PAC Brazos Hall 121 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Juan A Cadena (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 26544 - MATH 1314 - 042
This F2F course will meet in the assigned classroom on campus during the scheduled class times. The course will be taught in the same way as a pre-Covid F2F course.

This is a MATH 1314/0114 Co-Requisite course and is intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher and some nursing majors). Students will learn developmental topics to support them through college level math 1314.

Students must enroll in the associated co-req course described below. In addition to a lecture component for this course, a lab component is required and will be part of your course grade.

The student must enroll in both Math 1314 (CRN 26544) and Math 0114 (CRN 35773).

NOTE: MATH 0114 runs an additional 25 minutes to the time listed above. The additional time is added to the end time listed above.

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 11:00 am - 12:15 pm MW NVC Juniper Hall Academic Ctr 302 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Laura P Salazar (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 35763 - MATH 1314 - 043
This F2F course will meet in the assigned classroom on campus during the scheduled class times. The course will be taught in the same way as a pre-Covid F2F course.

This is a MATH 1314/0114 Co-Requisite course and is intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher and some nursing majors). Students will learn developmental topics to support them through college level math 1314.

Students must enroll in the associated co-req course described below. In addition to a lecture component for this course, a lab component is required and will be part of your course grade.

The student must enroll in both Math 1314 (CRN 35763) and Math 0114 (CRN 35771).

NOTE: MATH 0114 runs an additional 25 minutes to the time listed above. The additional time is added to the end time listed above.

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 11:00 am - 12:15 pm MW NVC Juniper Hall Academic Ctr 307 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Christy Babu (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 38374 - MATH 1314 - 044
This section is offered fully on campus. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course. CO-REQUISITE COURSE: Students must register for (CRN: 39623) Math 0214, MW, 12:20PM - 1:10PM and (CRN: 38374) Math 1314, MW, 11:00AM - 12:15PM.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, Embe Tutoring/Supp Instruction, *SELECT Title link for details, MATH 1314 + MATH 0214 Co-Reqs

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 11:00 am - 12:15 pm MW Rio Grande Building 229 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Darlene Tresa Price-Johnson (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 44289 - MATH 1314 - 045
Face-to-Face Instruction: This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. In order to enroll in this course you must enroll in Math 0214 (CRN# 45722), which meets face-to-face Mondays and Wednesdays, 12:35 PM - 1:25 PM. **Students planning to take Pre-Calculus should enroll in Math 1414+0214 instead**
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northeast Lakeview College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 11:00 am - 12:15 pm MW Salado Hall - Academic 127 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Dianna S Torres Lee (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 45002 - MATH 1314 - 046
Face-to-Face Instruction: This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. **Students planning to take Pre-Calculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead**
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northeast Lakeview College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 11:00 am - 12:15 pm MW Paluxy Hall 200 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Jennifer Wheat Skrhak (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 45016 - MATH 1314 - 047
Face-to-Face Instruction: This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. In order to enroll in this course you must enroll in Math 0214 (CRN# 45726), which meets face-to-face Mondays and Wednesdays, 12:35 PM - 1:25 PM. **Students planning to take Pre-Calculus should enroll in Math 1414+0214 instead**
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northeast Lakeview College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 11:00 am - 12:15 pm MW Medina CTE Center 103 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Charles T Flink (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 46226 - MATH 1314 - 048
This course will meet via Zoom during the scheduled class times. Your instructor will provide you with the Zoom link for your class in ACES/My Courses.

This is a college level course intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher and some nursing majors.)

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Zoom/VideoTape/DVD/BroadcastTV Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 11:00 am - 12:15 pm MW Remote Learning REMOTE Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Dennis J Gittinger (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 46246 - MATH 1314 - 049
This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. This section is reserved for Special Populations - Ascender Learning Communities. This is a full-term, 16-week course. Enrollment in BOTH MATH 0114 CRN 46247 and MATH 1314 CRN 46246 is required. Together these classes meet from MW 10:00-12:15pm. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Instructional Materials Charge.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details, Learning Community

"Y">San Antonio College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 11:00 am - 12:15 pm MW SAC McCreless Hall 115 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Ricardo J Pina (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 54134 - MATH 1314 - 050
This section is offered fully on campus. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course. CO-REQUISITE COURSE: Students must register for (CRN: 54135) Math 0124and (CRN: 54134) Math 1314.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details, MATH 1314 + MATH 0214 Co-Reqs

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 11:00 am - 12:30 pm MW Rio Grande Building 203 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Eric W Christopherson (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 54016 - MATH 1314 - 051
This section is offered fully on campus. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course. CO-REQUISITE COURSE: Students must register for (CRN: 54014) Math 0214, and (CRN: 54016) Math 1314.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details, MATH 1314 + MATH 0214 Co-Reqs

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm MW PAC San Jacinto Hall 115 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Mohamed Jamshed Ghouse (P)E-mail

College Algebra Stand Alone - 47956 - MATH 1314 - 052
This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. In other words, this course is scheduled to meet face-to-face on campus in the assigned room during the scheduled class times. Students will attend class face-to-face following the CDC guidelines. It is also possible that this class may be converted to a remote learning only class meeting through Zoom at the scheduled class times. If that happens, a student must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. If the course is taught through remote learning, a student will need to access the course through CANVAS and all exams will be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform. Your instructor will either provide you with more information in CANVAS about the requirements to attend face-to-face classes in the current COVID environment or provide you with a Zoom link in CANVAS to attend class remotely.

This class is only for students with a TSI score of 950+ or TSI 910 to 949 with Diagnostic of score of 6 on the Math portion of the TSI, or have completed Math 0320 with a C or higher. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead.

Some seats in this course may be reserved for SAISD ECHS students.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 10:45 am - 12:00 pm TR Clarence W. Norris 316 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Oras Oleiwi (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 52253 - MATH 1314 - 053
This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. This is a full-term, sixteen-week course. Students must enroll in MATH 0214 CRN 52421. Together, Math 1314 and Math 0214 meet on MW from 12:15PM to 2:25PM . DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Instructional Materials Charge.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">San Antonio College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 12:15 pm - 1:30 pm MW SAC McCreless Hall 206 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Samuel E Hairston (P)E-mail

College Algebra Stand Alone - 51267 - MATH 1314 - 054
This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. In other words, this course is scheduled to meet face-to-face on campus in the assigned room during the scheduled class times. Students will attend class face-to-face following the CDC guidelines. It is also possible that this class may be converted to a remote learning only class meeting through Zoom at the scheduled class times. If that happens, a student must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. If the course is taught through remote learning, a student will need to access the course through CANVAS and all exams will be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform. Your instructor will either provide you with more information in CANVAS about the requirements to attend face-to-face classes in the current COVID environment or provide you with a Zoom link in CANVAS to attend class remotely.

This class is only for students with a TSI score of 950+ or TSI 910 to 949 with Diagnostic of score of 6 on the Math portion of the TSI, or have completed Math 0320 with a C or higher. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 12:15 pm - 1:30 pm TR Clarence W. Norris 318 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Miguel Angel Aguilar (P)E-mail

College Algebra Stand Alone - 11120 - MATH 1314 - 055
This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. In other words, this course is scheduled to meet face-to-face on campus in the assigned room during the scheduled class times. Students will attend class face-to-face following the CDC guidelines. It is also possible that this class may be converted to a remote learning only class meeting through Zoom at the scheduled class times. If that happens, a student must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. If the course is taught through remote learning, a student will need to access the course through CANVAS and all exams will be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform. Your instructor will either provide you with more information in CANVAS about the requirements to attend face-to-face classes in the current COVID environment or provide you with a Zoom link in CANVAS to attend class remotely.

This class is only for students with a TSI score of 950+ or TSI 910 to 949 with Diagnostic of score of 6 on the Math portion of the TSI, or have completed Math 0320 with a C or higher. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm TR Clarence W. Norris 313 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Desiree Y Smith (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 22935 - MATH 1314 - 056
This section is offered fully on campus. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included in this course.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 12:30 pm - 1:45 pm MW PAC San Jacinto Hall 113 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Aimee Elizabeth Maceyko (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 38370 - MATH 1314 - 057
This section is offered fully on campus. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course. CO-REQUISITE COURSE: Students must register for (CRN: 35993) Math 0114, MW, 1:50PM - 2:15PM and (CRN: 38370) Math 1314, MW, 12:30PM - 1:45PM.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, Embe Tutoring/Supp Instruction, *SELECT Title link for details, MATH 1314 + MATH 0114 Co-Reqs

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 12:30 pm - 1:45 pm MW Rio Grande Building 228 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Linglin Liu (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 45018 - MATH 1314 - 058
Face-to-Face Instruction: This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. **Students planning to take Pre-Calculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead**
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northeast Lakeview College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 12:30 pm - 1:45 pm MW Paluxy Hall 200 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Jennifer Wheat Skrhak (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 45022 - MATH 1314 - 059
Face-to-Face Instruction: This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. In order to enroll in this course you must enroll in Math 0214 (CRN# 45729), which meets face-to-face Mondays and Wednesdays, 2:05 PM - 2:55 PM. **Students planning to take Pre-Calculus should enroll in Math 1414+0214 instead**
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northeast Lakeview College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 12:30 pm - 1:45 pm MW Salado Hall - Academic 214 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Rebbecca R Guevara (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 52166 - MATH 1314 - 060
This section is offered fully on campus. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course. CO-REQUISITE COURSE: Students must register for (CRN: 52167) Math 0214, MW, 1:50PM - 2:40PM and (CRN: 52166) Math 1314, MW, 12:30PM - 1:45PM.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details, MATH 1314 + MATH 0214 Co-Reqs

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 12:30 pm - 1:45 pm MW PAC San Jacinto Hall 109 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Bhawana Ranjan (P)E-mail

College Algebra Stand Alone through Zoom - 55330 - MATH 1314 - 061
Synchronous instruction, on Zoom at the originally scheduled class times. It offers the benefits of face-to-face instruction while staying remote. Remote instruction will take place primarily via ZOOM, also using CANVAS and additional remote-access tools. In other words, this course is currently scheduled to meet via Zoom during the scheduled class times. A student must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. Since the class will be taught through remote learning, a student will need to access the course through CANVAS and all exams will be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform. Your instructor will provide you with a Zoom link in CANVAS to attend class remotely.

This class is only for students with a TSI score of 950+ or TSI 910 to 949 with Diagnostic of score of 6 on the Math portion of the TSI, or have completed Math 0320 with a C or higher. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead.

Math 1314 CRN 48015 and Math 1314 CRN 51267 are cross listed Courses.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Zoom/VideoTape/DVD/BroadcastTV Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 3:15 pm - 4:30 pm TR Remote Learning REMOTE Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Terry Lee Gastauer (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 13252 - MATH 1314 - 062
This F2F course will meet in the assigned classroom on campus during the scheduled class times. The course will be taught in the same way as a pre-Covid F2F course.

This is a MATH 1314/0114 Co-Requisite course and is intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher and some nursing majors). Students will learn developmental topics to support them through college level math 1314.

Students must enroll in the associated co-req course described below. In addition to a lecture component for this course, a lab component is required and will be part of your course grade.

The student must enroll in both Math 1314 (CRN 13252) and Math 0114 (CRN 35772).

NOTE: MATH 0114 runs an additional 25 minutes to the time listed above. The additional time is added to the end time listed above.

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm MW NVC Juniper Hall Academic Ctr 307 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Laura P Salazar (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 44761 - MATH 1314 - 063
This F2F course will meet in the assigned classroom on campus during the scheduled class times. The course will be taught in the same way as a pre-Covid F2F course.

This is a MATH 1314 co-requisite courseand is intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher majors and some nursing majors). Students will learn developmental topics to support them through college level math 1314.

The student must enroll in both Math 1314 (CRN 44761) and Math 0214 (CRN 44765).

NOTE: MATH 0214 runs an additional 50 minutes to the time listed above. The additional time is added to the end time listed above.

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm MW NVC Juniper Hall Academic Ctr 311 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Steven E Gonzales (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 53230 - MATH 1314 - 064
This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. This is a full-term, sixteen-week course. Students must enroll in MATH 1314 CRN 53230. Together, Math 1314 and Math 0214 CRN 53234 meet on MW from 1PM to 3:10PM. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Instructional Materials Charge.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">San Antonio College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm MW SAC McCreless Hall 104 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Maynell Wackwitz (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 53520 - MATH 1314 - 065
This F2F course will meet in the assigned classroom on campus during the scheduled class times. The course will be taught in the same way as a pre-Covid F2F course.

This is a MATH 1314 co-requisite courseand is intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher majors and some nursing majors). Students will learn developmental topics to support them through college level math 1314.

The student must enroll in both Math 1314 (CRN 53520) and Math 0214 (CRN 53512).

NOTE: MATH 0214 runs an additional 50 minutes to the time listed above. The additional time is added to the end time listed above.

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm MW NVC Juniper Hall Academic Ctr 303 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Amy L Collins Montalbano (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 39644 - MATH 1314 - 066
This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction.  This is a full-term, 16-week course.

DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Instructional Materials Charge.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">San Antonio College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 1:40 pm - 2:55 pm MW SAC McCreless Hall 213 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Albert F Aviles (P)E-mail

College Algebra Stand Alone through Zoom - 44517 - MATH 1314 - 067
Synchronous instruction, on Zoom at the originally scheduled class times. It offers the benefits of face-to-face instruction while staying remote. Remote instruction will take place primarily via ZOOM, also using CANVAS and additional remote-access tools. In other words, this course is currently scheduled to meet via Zoom during the scheduled class times. A student must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. Since the class will be taught through remote learning, a student will need to access the course through CANVAS and all exams will be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform. Your instructor will provide you with a Zoom link in CANVAS to attend class remotely.

This class is only for students with a TSI score of 950+ or TSI 910 to 949 with Diagnostic of score of 6 on the Math portion of the TSI, or have completed Math 0320 with a C or higher. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: Evening Core, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Zoom/VideoTape/DVD/BroadcastTV Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 6:15 pm - 9:15 pm T Remote Learning REMOTE Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Maria Guadalupe Rodriguez (P)E-mail

College Algebra Stand Alone through Zoom - 48015 - MATH 1314 - 068
Synchronous instruction, on Zoom at the originally scheduled class times. It offers the benefits of face-to-face instruction while staying remote. Remote instruction will take place primarily via ZOOM, also using CANVAS and additional remote-access tools. In other words, this course is currently scheduled to meet via Zoom during the scheduled class times. A student must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. Since the class will be taught through remote learning, a student will need to access the course through CANVAS and all exams will be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform. Your instructor will provide you with a Zoom link in CANVAS to attend class remotely.

This class is only for students with a TSI score of 950+ or TSI 910 to 949 with Diagnostic of score of 6 on the Math portion of the TSI, or have completed Math 0320 with a C or higher. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead.

Math 1314 CRN 48015 and Math 1314 CRN 51267 are cross listed Courses.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Zoom/VideoTape/DVD/BroadcastTV Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 8:00 am - 11:00 am S Remote Learning REMOTE Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Shannon A Patterson (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 13482 - MATH 1314 - 069
This course will meet via Zoom during the scheduled class times. Your instructor will provide you with the Zoom link for your class in ACES/My Courses.

This is a college level course intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher and some nursing majors.)

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Zoom/VideoTape/DVD/BroadcastTV Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm MW Remote Learning REMOTE Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Dennis J Gittinger (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 38377 - MATH 1314 - 070
This section is offered fully on campus. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course. CO-REQUISITE COURSE: Students must register for (CRN: 39627) Math 0214, MW, 3:20PM - 4:10PM and (CRN: 38377) Math 1314, MW, 2:00PM - 3:15PM.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, Embe Tutoring/Supp Instruction, *SELECT Title link for details, MATH 1314 + MATH 0214 Co-Reqs

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm MW Rio Grande Building 231 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Zachery Anthony Garcia Viray (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 35811 - MATH 1314 - 071
This F2F course will meet in the assigned classroom on campus during the scheduled class times. The course will be taught in the same way as a pre-Covid F2F course.

This is a MATH 1314/0114 Co-Requisite course and is intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher and some nursing majors). Students will learn developmental topics to support them through college level math 1314.

Students must enroll in the associated co-req course described below. In addition to a lecture component for this course, a lab component is required and will be part of your course grade.

The student must enroll in both Math 1314 (CRN 35811) and Math 0114 (CRN 35779).

NOTE: MATH 0114 runs an additional 25 minutes to the time listed above. The additional time is added to the end time listed above.

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 3:00 pm - 4:15 pm MW NVC Juniper Hall Academic Ctr 307 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Elsa N Rosales (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 41752 - MATH 1314 - 072
This F2F course will meet in the assigned classroom on campus during the scheduled class times. The course will be taught in the same way as a pre-Covid F2F course.

This is a MATH 1314/0214 Co-Requisite course and is intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher majors and some nursing majors). Students will learn developmental topics to support them through college level math 1314.

The student must enroll in both Math 1314 (CRN 41752) and Math 0214 (CRN 41753).

NOTE: MATH 0214 runs an additional 50 minutes to the time listed above. The additional time is added to the end time listed above.

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 3:00 pm - 4:15 pm MW NVC Live Oak Hall Academic Ctr 233 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Michele Wright Mangold (P)E-mail

College Algebra Stand Alone - 11119 - MATH 1314 - 073
Asynchronous instruction delivered online via CANVAS and additional online tools. There may be a face-to-face component such as orientation, laboratory, exam review, or an in-person test. In other words, the instruction for this course will be delivered via CANVAS with no scheduled class meetings.

This class is only for students with a TSI score of 950+ or TSI 910 to 949 with Diagnostic of score of 6 on the Math portion of the TSI, or have completed Math 0320 with a C or higher. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead.

***Note*** If you are new to online classes, you are REQUIRED to take the Orientation to Online Learning course, OLRN 0001. This course familiarizes students with navigating through the online system for a successful start. All the content of this course will be delivered online. Students enrolling in this course must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. Before the end of the first week of class, students are expected to complete all of the requirements of the class orientation in CANVAS by the due date set by the instructor and be registered in the required course software. Otherwise, the student may be dropped from the course. All exams are to be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Alberto I Guerra (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 38524 - MATH 1314 - 074
This course will meet via Zoom during the scheduled class times. Your instructor will provide you with the Zoom link for your class in ACES/My Courses.

This is a college level course intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher and some nursing majors.)

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Zoom/VideoTape/DVD/BroadcastTV Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm MW Remote Learning REMOTE Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Dennis J Gittinger (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 13487 - MATH 1314 - 075
This F2F course will meet in the assigned classroom on campus during the scheduled class times. The course will be taught in the same way as a pre-Covid F2F course.

This is a college level course intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher and some nursing majors.)

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm MW NVC Juniper Hall Academic Ctr 313 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture James R Dart (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 38369 - MATH 1314 - 077
This section is offered fully on campus. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course. CO-REQUISITE COURSE: Students must register for (CRN: 35995) Math 0114, MW, 6:50PM - 7:15PM and (CRN: 38369) Math 1314, MW, 5:30PM - 6:45PM.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details, MATH 1314 + MATH 0114 Co-Reqs

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm MW Rio Grande Building 228 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Joshua Anthony Bustillo (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 45032 - MATH 1314 - 078
Face-to-Face Instruction: This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. **Students planning to take Pre-Calculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead**
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northeast Lakeview College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm MW Salado Hall - Academic 212 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Tatiana Yevgenievna Ivanova (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 49475 - MATH 1314 - 079
This F2F course will meet in the assigned classroom on campus during the scheduled class times. The course will be taught in the same way as a pre-Covid F2F course.

This is a college level course intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher and some nursing majors.).)

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm MW NVC Juniper Hall Academic Ctr 303 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Sarah Nicole Green (P)E-mail

College Algebra Stand Alone - 28888 - MATH 1314 - 081
Asynchronous instruction delivered online via CANVAS and additional online tools. There may be a face-to-face component such as orientation, laboratory, exam review, or an in-person test. In other words, the instruction for this course will be delivered via CANVAS with no scheduled class meetings.

This class is only for students with a TSI score of 950+ or TSI 910 to 949 with Diagnostic of score of 6 on the Math portion of the TSI, or have completed Math 0320 with a C or higher. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead.

***Note*** If you are new to online classes, you are REQUIRED to take the Orientation to Online Learning course, OLRN 0001. This course familiarizes students with navigating through the online system for a successful start. All the content of this course will be delivered online. Students enrolling in this course must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. Before the end of the first week of class, students are expected to complete all of the requirements of the class orientation in CANVAS by the due date set by the instructor and be registered in the required course software. Otherwise, the student may be dropped from the course. All exams are to be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Halah Jaber (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 45914 - MATH 1314 - 082
This F2F course will meet in the assigned classroom on campus during the scheduled class times. The course will be taught in the same way as a pre-Covid F2F course.

This is a MATH 1314/0114 Co-Requisite course and is intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher and some nursing majors). Students will learn developmental topics to support them through college level math 1314.

Students must enroll in the associated co-req course described below. In addition to a lecture component for this course, a lab component is required and will be part of your course grade.

The student must enroll in both Math 1314 (CRN 45914) and Math 0114 (CRN 35782).

NOTE: MATH 0114 runs an additional 25 minutes to the time listed above. The additional time is added to the end time listed above.

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 7:00 pm - 8:15 pm MW NVC Juniper Hall Academic Ctr 307 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Sarah Nicole Green (P)E-mail

College Algebra Stand Alone - 57018 - MATH 1314 - 084
Asynchronous instruction delivered online via CANVAS and additional online tools. There may be a face-to-face component such as orientation, laboratory, exam review, or an in-person test. In other words, the instruction for this course will be delivered via CANVAS with no scheduled class meetings.

This class is only for students with a TSI score of 950+ or TSI 910 to 949 with Diagnostic of score of 6 on the Math portion of the TSI, or have completed Math 0320 with a C or higher. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead.

***Note*** If you are new to online classes, you are REQUIRED to take the Orientation to Online Learning course, OLRN 0001. This course familiarizes students with navigating through the online system for a successful start. All the content of this course will be delivered online. Students enrolling in this course must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. Before the end of the first week of class, students are expected to complete all of the requirements of the class orientation in CANVAS by the due date set by the instructor and be registered in the required course software. Otherwise, the student may be dropped from the course. All exams are to be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 27,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: Accelerated, *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Oct 19,2024 Lecture Shannon A Patterson (P)E-mail

College Algebra Stand Alone - 41660 - MATH 1314 - 086
Asynchronous instruction delivered online via CANVAS and additional online tools. There may be a face-to-face component such as orientation, laboratory, exam review, or an in-person test. In other words, the instruction for this course will be delivered via CANVAS with no scheduled class meetings.

This class is only for students with a TSI score of 950+ or TSI 910 to 949 with Diagnostic of score of 6 on the Math portion of the TSI, or have completed Math 0320 with a C or higher. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead.

***Note*** If you are new to online classes, you are REQUIRED to take the Orientation to Online Learning course, OLRN 0001. This course familiarizes students with navigating through the online system for a successful start. All the content of this course will be delivered online. Students enrolling in this course must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. Before the end of the first week of class, students are expected to complete all of the requirements of the class orientation in CANVAS by the due date set by the instructor and be registered in the required course software. Otherwise, the student may be dropped from the course. All exams are to be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Halah Jaber (P)E-mail

College Algebra Stand Alone - 41661 - MATH 1314 - 087
Asynchronous instruction delivered online via CANVAS and additional online tools. There may be a face-to-face component such as orientation, laboratory, exam review, or an in-person test. In other words, the instruction for this course will be delivered via CANVAS with no scheduled class meetings.

This class is only for students with a TSI score of 950+ or TSI 910 to 949 with Diagnostic of score of 6 on the Math portion of the TSI, or have completed Math 0320 with a C or higher. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead.

***Note*** If you are new to online classes, you are REQUIRED to take the Orientation to Online Learning course, OLRN 0001. This course familiarizes students with navigating through the online system for a successful start. All the content of this course will be delivered online. Students enrolling in this course must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. Before the end of the first week of class, students are expected to complete all of the requirements of the class orientation in CANVAS by the due date set by the instructor and be registered in the required course software. Otherwise, the student may be dropped from the course. All exams are to be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Jose Barrera (P)E-mail, Angela Knight E-mail

College Algebra Stand Alone - 50222 - MATH 1314 - 089
Asynchronous instruction delivered online via CANVAS and additional online tools. There may be a face-to-face component such as orientation, laboratory, exam review, or an in-person test. In other words, the instruction for this course will be delivered via CANVAS with no scheduled class meetings.

This class is only for students with a TSI score of 950+ or TSI 910 to 949 with Diagnostic of score of 6 on the Math portion of the TSI, or have completed Math 0320 with a C or higher. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead.

***Note*** If you are new to online classes, you are REQUIRED to take the Orientation to Online Learning course, OLRN 0001. This course familiarizes students with navigating through the online system for a successful start. All the content of this course will be delivered online. Students enrolling in this course must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. Before the end of the first week of class, students are expected to complete all of the requirements of the class orientation in CANVAS by the due date set by the instructor and be registered in the required course software. Otherwise, the student may be dropped from the course. All exams are to be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Jose Barrera (P)E-mail, Jessica L Edmiston E-mail

College Algebra Stand Alone - 54107 - MATH 1314 - 090
Asynchronous instruction delivered online via CANVAS and additional online tools. There may be a face-to-face component such as orientation, laboratory, exam review, or an in-person test. In other words, the instruction for this course will be delivered via CANVAS with no scheduled class meetings.

This class is only for students with a TSI score of 950+ or TSI 910 to 949 with Diagnostic of score of 6 on the Math portion of the TSI, or have completed Math 0320 with a C or higher. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead.

***Note*** If you are new to online classes, you are REQUIRED to take the Orientation to Online Learning course, OLRN 0001. This course familiarizes students with navigating through the online system for a successful start. All the content of this course will be delivered online. Students enrolling in this course must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. Before the end of the first week of class, students are expected to complete all of the requirements of the class orientation in CANVAS by the due date set by the instructor and be registered in the required course software. Otherwise, the student may be dropped from the course. All exams are to be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Jessica L Edmiston (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 14757 - MATH 1314 - 091
This section is offered fully on campus. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 8:00 am - 9:15 am TR Rio Grande Building 228 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Thomas Jay Reed (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 38390 - MATH 1314 - 092
This section is offered fully on campus. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course. CO-REQUISITE COURSE: Students must register for (CRN: 35998) Math 0114, TR, 9:20AM - 9:45AM and (CRN: 38390) Math 1314, TR, 8:00AM - 9:15AM.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, Embe Tutoring/Supp Instruction, *SELECT Title link for details, MATH 1314 + MATH 0114 Co-Reqs

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 8:00 am - 9:15 am TR TBA Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Linglin Liu (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 46957 - MATH 1314 - 093
This section is offered fully on campus. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course.CO-REQUISITE COURSE: Students must register for (CRN: 46958) Math 0214, TR, 9:20AM to 10:10AM and (CRN: 46957) Math 1314, TR, 8:00AM to 9:15AM.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, Embe Tutoring/Supp Instruction, *SELECT Title link for details, MATH 1314 + MATH 0214 Co-Reqs

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 8:00 am - 9:15 am TR Rio Grande Building 229 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Darlene Tresa Price-Johnson (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 48645 - MATH 1314 - 094
Face-to-Face Instruction: This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. **Students planning to take Pre-Calculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead**
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northeast Lakeview College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 8:00 am - 9:15 am TR Salado Hall - Academic 212 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Rebbecca R Guevara (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 50589 - MATH 1314 - 095
Face-to-Face Instruction: This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. In order to enroll in this course you must enroll in Math 0214 (CRN# 48647), which meets face-to-face Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:35 AM - 10:25 AM. **Students planning to take Pre-Calculus should enroll in Math 1414+0214 instead**
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northeast Lakeview College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 8:00 am - 9:15 am TR Salado Hall - Academic 209 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Reda Marie Berry (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 35815 - MATH 1314 - 096
This F2F course will meet in the assigned classroom on campus during the scheduled class times. The course will be taught in the same way as a pre-Covid F2F course.

This is a MATH 1314/0114 Co-Requisite course and is intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher and some nursing majors). Students will learn developmental topics to support them through college level math 1314.

Students must enroll in the associated co-req course described below. In addition to a lecture component for this course, a lab component is required and will be part of your course grade.

The student must enroll in both Math 1314 (CRN 35815) and Math 0114 (CRN 35783).

NOTE: MATH 0114 runs an additional 25 minutes to the time listed above. The additional time is added to the end time listed above.

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 9:00 am - 10:15 am TR NVC Juniper Hall Academic Ctr 307 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Faranak Bayat (P)E-mail

College Algebra Stand Alone - 54268 - MATH 1314 - 097
Asynchronous instruction delivered online via CANVAS and additional online tools. There may be a face-to-face component such as orientation, laboratory, exam review, or an in-person test. In other words, the instruction for this course will be delivered via CANVAS with no scheduled class meetings.

This class is only for students with a TSI score of 950+ or TSI 910 to 949 with Diagnostic of score of 6 on the Math portion of the TSI, or have completed Math 0320 with a C or higher. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead.

***Note*** If you are new to online classes, you are REQUIRED to take the Orientation to Online Learning course, OLRN 0001. This course familiarizes students with navigating through the online system for a successful start. All the content of this course will be delivered online. Students enrolling in this course must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. Before the end of the first week of class, students are expected to complete all of the requirements of the class orientation in CANVAS by the due date set by the instructor and be registered in the required course software. Otherwise, the student may be dropped from the course. All exams are to be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Angela Knight (P)E-mail

College Algebra Stand Alone - 47191 - MATH 1314 - 098
Asynchronous instruction delivered online via CANVAS and additional online tools. There may be a face-to-face component such as orientation, laboratory, exam review, or an in-person test. In other words, the instruction for this course will be delivered via CANVAS with no scheduled class meetings.

This class is only for students with a TSI score of 950+ or TSI 910 to 949 with Diagnostic of score of 6 on the Math portion of the TSI, or have completed Math 0320 with a C or higher. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead.

***Note*** If you are new to online classes, you are REQUIRED to take the Orientation to Online Learning course, OLRN 0001. This course familiarizes students with navigating through the online system for a successful start. All the content of this course will be delivered online. Students enrolling in this course must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. Before the end of the first week of class, students are expected to complete all of the requirements of the class orientation in CANVAS by the due date set by the instructor and be registered in the required course software. Otherwise, the student may be dropped from the course. All exams are to be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Sep 24,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: Accelerated, *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Sep 23,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Natalie Gail Black (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 13496 - MATH 1314 - 100
This course will meet via Zoom during the scheduled class times. Your instructor will provide you with the Zoom link for your class in ACES/My Courses.

This is a college level course intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher and some nursing majors.)

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Zoom/VideoTape/DVD/BroadcastTV Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 9:30 am - 10:45 am TR Remote Learning REMOTE Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Dennis J Gittinger (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 14764 - MATH 1314 - 101
This section is offered fully on campus. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 9:30 am - 10:45 am TR PAC San Jacinto Hall 109 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Bhawana Ranjan (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 37613 - MATH 1314 - 102
This section is offered fully on campus. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 9:30 am - 10:45 am TR PAC Guadalupe Hall 102 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Paul D Hernandez (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 38381 - MATH 1314 - 103
This section is offered fully on campus. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course. CO-REQUISITE COURSE: Students must register for (CRN: 39629) Math 0214, TR, 10:50AM - 11:40AM and (CRN: 38381) Math 1314, TR, 9:30AM - 10:45AM
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, Embe Tutoring/Supp Instruction, *SELECT Title link for details, MATH 1314 + MATH 0214 Co-Reqs

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 9:30 am - 10:45 am TR PAC San Jacinto Hall 113 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Aimee Elizabeth Maceyko (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 40877 - MATH 1314 - 104
This F2F course will meet in the assigned classroom on campus during the scheduled class times. The course will be taught in the same way as a pre-Covid F2F course.

This is a college level course intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher and some nursing majors.)

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 9:30 am - 10:45 am TR NVC Juniper Hall Academic Ctr 315 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Michael E Sherwin (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 50793 - MATH 1314 - 105
Face-to-Face Instruction: This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. **Students planning to take Pre-Calculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead**
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northeast Lakeview College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 9:30 am - 10:45 am TR Salado Hall - Academic 212 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Jennifer Wheat Skrhak (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 53925 - MATH 1314 - 106
This F2F course will meet in the assigned classroom on campus during the scheduled class times. The course will be taught in the same way as a pre-Covid F2F course.

This is a college level course intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher and some nursing majors.)

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 9:30 am - 10:45 am TR NVC Juniper Hall Academic Ctr 313 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Laura L Peterson (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 46158 - MATH 1314 - 108
This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction.  This is a full-term, 16-week course.

Enrollment in BOTH Math 1314 CRN 46158 and Math 0114 CRN 46107 is required.

Together these classes meet from 10:00-12:15pm

DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Instructional Materials Charge.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">San Antonio College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 10:00 am - 11:15 am TR SAC McCreless Hall 216 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Gerald Morris Green (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 52265 - MATH 1314 - 109
This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. This is a full-term, sixteen-week course. Students must enroll in MATH 0214 CRN 52266. Together, Math 1314 and Math 0214 meet on TR from 10:00AM to1210PM. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Instructional Materials Charge.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">San Antonio College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 10:00 am - 11:15 am TR SAC McCreless Hall 213 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Samuel E Hairston (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 52601 - MATH 1314 - 110
This is a F2F class that will be held at the Greater Kerrville Center (1012 Barnett St., Kerrville, TX). The instruction in this course will be delivered both on-campus and via Zoom (for San Antonio students only). Students taking this course must attend either on-campus/F2F or Zoom sessions and complete online coursework.

This is a MATH 1314 co-requisite courseand is intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher majors and some nursing majors). Students will learn developmental topics to support them through college level math 1314.

The student must enroll in both Math 1314 (CRN 52601) and Math 0214 (CRN 52602).

NOTE: MATH 0214 runs an additional 50 minutes to the time listed above. The additional time is added to the end time listed above.

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details, Off-Site Location, Greater Kerrville Center

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 10:00 am - 11:15 am TR AC Greater Kerrville Center 114 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Ellen M Manchester (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 41758 - MATH 1314 - 111
This F2F course will meet in the assigned classroom on campus during the scheduled class times. The course will be taught in the same way as a pre-Covid F2F course.

This is a MATH 1314/0214 Co-Requisite course and is intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher majors and some nursing majors). Students will learn developmental topics to support them through college level math 1314.

The student must enroll in both Math 1314 (CRN 41758) and Math 0214 (CRN 41759).

NOTE: MATH 0214 runs an additional 50 minutes to the time listed above. The additional time is added to the end time listed above.

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 10:30 am - 11:45 am TR NVC Live Oak Hall Academic Ctr 235 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Wesley L Anderson (P)E-mail

College Algebra Stand Alone - 54379 - MATH 1314 - 112
Asynchronous instruction delivered online via CANVAS and additional online tools. There may be a face-to-face component such as orientation, laboratory, exam review, or an in-person test. In other words, the instruction for this course will be delivered via CANVAS with no scheduled class meetings.

This class is only for students with a TSI score of 950+ or TSI 910 to 949 with Diagnostic of score of 6 on the Math portion of the TSI, or have completed Math 0320 with a C or higher. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead.

***Note*** If you are new to online classes, you are REQUIRED to take the Orientation to Online Learning course, OLRN 0001. This course familiarizes students with navigating through the online system for a successful start. All the content of this course will be delivered online. Students enrolling in this course must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. Before the end of the first week of class, students are expected to complete all of the requirements of the class orientation in CANVAS by the due date set by the instructor and be registered in the required course software. Otherwise, the student may be dropped from the course. All exams are to be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Sep 24,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: Accelerated, *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Sep 23,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Joey D McRorey (P)E-mail

College Algebra Stand Alone through Zoom - 51271 - MATH 1314 - 113
Synchronous instruction, on Zoom at the originally scheduled class times. It offers the benefits of face-to-face instruction while staying remote. Remote instruction will take place primarily via ZOOM, also using CANVAS and additional remote-access tools. In other words, this course is currently scheduled to meet via Zoom during the scheduled class times. A student must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. Since the class will be taught through remote learning, a student will need to access the course through CANVAS and all exams will be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform. Your instructor will provide you with a Zoom link in CANVAS to attend class remotely.

This class is only for students with a TSI score of 950+ or TSI 910 to 949 with Diagnostic of score of 6 on the Math portion of the TSI, or have completed Math 0320 with a C or higher. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Oct 22,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: Accelerated, Evening Core, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Zoom/VideoTape/DVD/BroadcastTV Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 6:15 pm - 9:00 pm TR Remote Learning REMOTE Oct 21,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Grayling Bernard Williams (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 23131 - MATH 1314 - 114
This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction.  This is a full-term, 16-week course.

DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Instructional Materials Charge.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">San Antonio College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 10:50 am - 12:05 pm TR SAC McCreless Hall 104 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Jonathan Allen Brucks (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 13500 - MATH 1314 - 115
This F2F course will meet in the assigned classroom on campus during the scheduled class times. The course will be taught in the same way as a pre-Covid F2F course.

This is a MATH 1314/0114 Co-Requisite course and is intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher and some nursing majors). Students will learn developmental topics to support them through college level math 1314.

Students must enroll in the associated co-req course described below. In addition to a lecture component for this course, a lab component is required and will be part of your course grade.

The student must enroll in both Math 1314 (CRN 13500) and Math 0114 (CRN 35774).

NOTE: MATH 0114 runs an additional 25 minutes to the time listed above. The additional time is added to the end time listed above.

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 11:00 am - 12:15 pm TR NVC Juniper Hall Academic Ctr 307 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture April Maria Ortiz (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 14768 - MATH 1314 - 116
This courses is fully on campus. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course. CO-REQUISITE COURSE: Students must register for (CRN: 45217) Math 0114, TR, 12:20PM - 12:45PM and (CRN: 14768) Math 1314, TR, 11:00AM - 12:15PM.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, Embe Tutoring/Supp Instruction, *SELECT Title link for details, MATH 1314 + MATH 0114 Co-Reqs

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 11:00 am - 12:15 pm TR Rio Grande Building 228 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Thomas Jay Reed (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 26093 - MATH 1314 - 117
This F2F course will meet in the assigned classroom on campus during the scheduled class times. The course will be taught in the same way as a pre-Covid F2F course.

This is a college level course intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher and some nursing majors.)

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 11:00 am - 12:15 pm TR NVC Juniper Hall Academic Ctr 303 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Robert H Digiovanni (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 35816 - MATH 1314 - 118
This F2F course will meet in the assigned classroom on campus during the scheduled class times. The course will be taught in the same way as a pre-Covid F2F course.

This is a MATH 1314/0114 Co-Requisite course and is intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher and some nursing majors). Students will learn developmental topics to support them through college level math 1314.

Students must enroll in the associated co-req course described below. In addition to a lecture component for this course, a lab component is required and will be part of your course grade.

The student must enroll in both Math 1314 (CRN 35816) and Math 0114 (CRN 35784).

NOTE: MATH 0114 runs an additional 25 minutes to the time listed above. The additional time is added to the end time listed above.

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 11:00 am - 12:15 pm TR NVC Juniper Hall Academic Ctr 305 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Laura P Salazar (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 38382 - MATH 1314 - 119
This section is offered fully on campus. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course. CO-REQUISITE COURSE: Students must register for (CRN: 39630) Math 0214, TR, 12:20PM - 1:10PM and (CRN: 38382) Math 1314, TR, 11:00AM to 12:15PM.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, Embe Tutoring/Supp Instruction, *SELECT Title link for details, MATH 1314 + MATH 0214 Co-Reqs

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 11:00 am - 12:15 pm TR PAC Guadalupe Hall 102 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Paul D Hernandez (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 49067 - MATH 1314 - 120
This section is offered fully on campus. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 11:00 am - 12:15 pm TR Rio Grande Building 231 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Linglin Liu (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 51162 - MATH 1314 - 121
Face-to-Face Instruction: This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. In order to enroll in this course you must enroll in Math 0214 (CRN# 50794), which meets face-to-face Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12:35 PM - 1:25 PM. **Students planning to take Pre-Calculus should enroll in Math 1414+0214 instead**
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northeast Lakeview College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 11:00 am - 12:15 pm TR Salado Hall - Academic 127 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Dianna S Torres Lee (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 52205 - MATH 1314 - 122
Face-to-Face Instruction: This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. **Students planning to take Pre-Calculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead**
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northeast Lakeview College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 11:00 am - 12:15 pm TR Paluxy Hall 207 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Martha P Vargas (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 52207 - MATH 1314 - 123
Face-to-Face Instruction: This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. In order to enroll in this course you must enroll in Math 0214 (CRN# 52206), which meets face-to-face Mondays and Wednesdays, 12:35 PM - 1:25 PM. **Students planning to take Pre-Calculus should enroll in Math 1414+0214 instead**
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northeast Lakeview College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 11:00 am - 12:15 pm MW TBA Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Scott Bishop (P)E-mail

College Algebra Stand Alone - 33857 - MATH 1314 - 125
Asynchronous instruction delivered online via CANVAS and additional online tools. There may be a face-to-face component such as orientation, laboratory, exam review, or an in-person test. In other words, the instruction for this course will be delivered via CANVAS with no scheduled class meetings.

This class is only for students with a TSI score of 950+ or TSI 910 to 949 with Diagnostic of score of 6 on the Math portion of the TSI, or have completed Math 0320 with a C or higher. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead.

***Note*** If you are new to online classes, you are REQUIRED to take the Orientation to Online Learning course, OLRN 0001. This course familiarizes students with navigating through the online system for a successful start. All the content of this course will be delivered online. Students enrolling in this course must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. Before the end of the first week of class, students are expected to complete all of the requirements of the class orientation in CANVAS by the due date set by the instructor and be registered in the required course software. Otherwise, the student may be dropped from the course. All exams are to be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Oct 22,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: Accelerated, *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Oct 21,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Matthew Franklin Hudock (P)E-mail

College Algebra Stand Alone - 52483 - MATH 1314 - 126
Asynchronous instruction delivered online via CANVAS and additional online tools. There may be a face-to-face component such as orientation, laboratory, exam review, or an in-person test. In other words, the instruction for this course will be delivered via CANVAS with no scheduled class meetings.

This class is only for students with a TSI score of 950+ or TSI 910 to 949 with Diagnostic of score of 6 on the Math portion of the TSI, or have completed Math 0320 with a C or higher. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead.

***Note*** If you are new to online classes, you are REQUIRED to take the Orientation to Online Learning course, OLRN 0001. This course familiarizes students with navigating through the online system for a successful start. All the content of this course will be delivered online. Students enrolling in this course must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. Before the end of the first week of class, students are expected to complete all of the requirements of the class orientation in CANVAS by the due date set by the instructor and be registered in the required course software. Otherwise, the student may be dropped from the course. All exams are to be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Oct 22,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: Accelerated, *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Oct 21,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Matthew Franklin Hudock (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 35878 - MATH 1314 - 128
This section is offered fully on campus. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 12:30 pm - 1:45 pm TR PAC San Jacinto Hall 113 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Aimee Elizabeth Maceyko (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 52359 - MATH 1314 - 130
Face-to-Face Instruction: This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. **Students planning to take Pre-Calculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead**
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northeast Lakeview College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 12:30 pm - 1:45 pm TR Paluxy Hall 207 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Martha P Vargas (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 52360 - MATH 1314 - 131
Face-to-Face Instruction: This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. In order to enroll in this course you must enroll in Math 0214 (CRN# 53733), which meets face-to-face Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2:05 PM - 2:55 PM. **Students planning to take Pre-Calculus should enroll in Math 1414+0214 instead**
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northeast Lakeview College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 12:30 pm - 1:45 pm TR Salado Hall - Academic 209 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Reda Marie Berry (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 52609 - MATH 1314 - 132
This F2F course will meet in the assigned classroom on campus during the scheduled class times. The course will be taught in the same way as a pre-Covid F2F course.

This is a college level course intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher and some nursing majors.)

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 12:30 pm - 1:45 pm TR NVC Redbud Learning Ctr Libr 307 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Michael E Sherwin (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 54540 - MATH 1314 - 133
This course meets face-to-face in New Braunfels at the NLC New Braunfels site – 2193 FM 758, New Braunfels, TX 78130. **Students planning to take Pre-Calculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead**
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details, NLC at New Braunfels, Off-Site Location

"Y">Northeast Lakeview College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 12:30 pm - 1:45 pm TR Central Texas Technology Cntr 168 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Michele Anne Donnelly (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 54738 - MATH 1314 - 134
This course will not be held at the Northwest Vista main campus. This is a F2F course that will be held at the Westside Education Training Center (WETC) 563 SW 40th St., San Antonio, TX 78237.

This is a college level course intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher and some nursing majors.)

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details, Off-Site Location, Westside Education & Trng Cen

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 12:30 pm - 1:45 pm TR Westside Workforce Ed&Tech Ctr A RM207 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Nichole A Armand (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 13501 - MATH 1314 - 137
This F2F course will meet in the assigned classroom on campus during the scheduled class times. The course will be taught in the same way as a pre-Covid F2F course.

This is a MATH 1314/0214 Co-Requisite course and is intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher majors and some nursing majors). Students will learn developmental topics to support them through college level math 1314.

The student must enroll in both Math 1314 (CRN 13501) and Math 0214 (CRN 41795).

NOTE: MATH 0214 runs an additional 50 minutes to the time listed above. The additional time is added to the end time listed above.

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm TR NVC Juniper Hall Academic Ctr 303 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Michele Wright Mangold (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 35817 - MATH 1314 - 138
This F2F course will meet in the assigned classroom on campus during the scheduled class times. The course will be taught in the same way as a pre-Covid F2F course.

This is a MATH 1314/0114 Co-Requisite course and is intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher and some nursing majors). Students will learn developmental topics to support them through college level math 1314.

Students must enroll in the associated co-req course described below. In addition to a lecture component for this course, a lab component is required and will be part of your course grade.

The student must enroll in both Math 1314 (CRN 35817) and Math 0114 (CRN 35785).

NOTE: MATH 0114 runs an additional 25 minutes to the time listed above. The additional time is added to the end time listed above.

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm TR NVC Juniper Hall Academic Ctr 307 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Laura P Salazar (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 41760 - MATH 1314 - 139
This F2F course will meet in the assigned classroom on campus during the scheduled class times. The course will be taught in the same way as a pre-Covid F2F course.

This is a MATH 1314/0214 Co-Requisite course and is intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher majors and some nursing majors). Students will learn developmental topics to support them through college level math 1314.

The student must enroll in both Math 1314 (CRN 41760) and Math 0214 (CRN 41777).

NOTE: MATH 0214 runs an additional 50 minutes to the time listed above. The additional time is added to the end time listed above.

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm TR NVC Juniper Hall Academic Ctr 333 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Faranak Bayat (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 52269 - MATH 1314 - 140
This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. This is a full-term, sixteen-week course. Students must enroll in MATH 0214 CRN 52270. Together, Math 1314 and Math 0214 meet on TR from 1PM to 310PM. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Instructional Materials Charge.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">San Antonio College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm TR SAC McCreless Hall 140 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Carlos C Corona (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 42214 - MATH 1314 - 143
This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction.  This is a full-term, 16-week course.

DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Instructional Materials Charge.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">San Antonio College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm TR SAC McCreless Hall 208 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Shahla Zahroony (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 52950 - MATH 1314 - 144
Face-to-Face Instruction: This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. **Students planning to take Pre-Calculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead**
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northeast Lakeview College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm TR Paluxy Hall 200 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Jennifer Wheat Skrhak (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 54593 - MATH 1314 - 145
This F2F course will meet in the assigned classroom on campus during the scheduled class times. The course will be taught in the same way as a pre-Covid F2F course.

This is a MATH 1314/0114 Co-Requisite course and is intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher and some nursing majors). Students will learn developmental topics to support them through college level math 1314.

Students must enroll in the associated co-req course described below. In addition to a lecture component for this course, a lab component is required and will be part of your course grade.

The student must enroll in both Math 1314 (CRN 54593) and Math 0114 (CRN 54594).

NOTE: MATH 0114 runs an additional 25 minutes to the time listed above. The additional time is added to the end time listed above.

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 3:00 pm - 4:15 pm TR NVC Juniper Hall Academic Ctr 307 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture April Maria Ortiz (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 26543 - MATH 1314 - 147
This F2F course will meet in the assigned classroom on campus during the scheduled class times. The course will be taught in the same way as a pre-Covid F2F course.

This is a college level course intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher and some nursing majors.)

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm TR NVC Juniper Hall Academic Ctr 311 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Alyona Kovaleva Atsalis (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 52672 - MATH 1314 - 148
This course will not be held at the Northwest Vista main campus. This is a F2F course that will be held at the Westside Education Training Center (WETC) 563 SW 40th St., San Antonio, TX 78237.

This is a MATH 1314/0214 Co-Requisite course and is intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher majors and some nursing majors). Students will learn developmental topics to support them through college level math 1314.

The student must enroll in both Math 1314 (CRN 52672) and Math 0214 (CRN 52674).

NOTE: MATH 0214 runs an additional 50 minutes to the time listed above. The additional time is added to the end time listed above.

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details, Off-Site Location, Westside Education & Trng Cen

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm TR Westside Workforce Ed&Tech Ctr A RM207 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Nichole A Armand (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 53888 - MATH 1314 - 149
This section is offered fully on campus. Toyota
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm TR Rio Grande Building 229 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Justin Aaron Eccles (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 53926 - MATH 1314 - 150
This F2F course will meet in the assigned classroom on campus during the scheduled class times. The course will be taught in the same way as a pre-Covid F2F course.

This is a college level course intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher and some nursing majors.)

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm TR NVC Juniper Hall Academic Ctr 303 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Michael M Gomez (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 46133 - MATH 1314 - 151
This is a 16-week Face-to-Face course.This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. 

Enrollment in BOTH Math 1314 CRN 46133 and Math 0214 CRN 46093 is required.

Together these classes meet Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6 PM-8:10 PM

DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Instructional Materials Charge.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">San Antonio College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm TR SAC McCreless Hall 137 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Ruby R Martinez (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 48281 - MATH 1314 - 152
This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction.  This is a full-term, 16-week course.

DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Instructional Materials Charge.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">San Antonio College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm TR SAC McCreless Hall 205 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture April Nichole Jones (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 53453 - MATH 1314 - 153
Face-to-Face Instruction: This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. In order to enroll in this course you must enroll in Math 0214 (CRN# 54503), which meets face-to-face Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7:35 PM - 8:25 PM. **Students planning to take Pre-Calculus should enroll in Math 1414+0214 instead**
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northeast Lakeview College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm TR Salado Hall - Academic 127 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Tatiana Yevgenievna Ivanova (P)E-mail

College Algebra - Corequisite - 54514 - MATH 1314 - 156
Face-to-Face Instruction: This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. In order to enroll in this course you must enroll in Math 0214 (CRN# 54504), which meets face-to-face Fridays, 11:25 AM - 1:05 PM. **Students planning to take Pre-Calculus should enroll in Math 1414+0214 instead**
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northeast Lakeview College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 8:30 am - 11:00 am F Medina CTE Center 103 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Charles T Flink (P)E-mail

College Algebra Co-requisite through Zoom - 57131 - MATH 1314 - 160
Synchronous instruction, on Zoom at the originally scheduled class times. It offers the benefits of face-to-face instruction while staying remote. Remote instruction will take place primarily via ZOOM, also using CANVAS and additional remote-access tools. In other words, this course is currently scheduled to meet via Zoom during the scheduled class times. A student must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. Since the class will be taught through remote learning, a student will need to access the course through CANVAS and all exams will be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform. Your instructor will provide you with a Zoom link in CANVAS to attend class remotely.

This course is paired with a co-requisite course Math 0214 designed to get a student from Elementary Algebra through College Algebra in one semester. Students enrolling in MATH 1314.160 CRN: 57131 Monday and Tuesday 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM must also enroll in MATH 0214.160 CRN: 57130 Wednesday and Thursday 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM. This class is only for students that have a Math TSI score of 910 to 945 with a Diagnostic Level of 4 or 5. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 0314 in conjunction with Math 1414 instead.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Zoom/VideoTape/DVD/BroadcastTV Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 10:45 am - 12:00 pm MT Remote Learning REMOTE Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Stephanie Marcine Cottier (P)

College Algebra - 14773 - MATH 1314 - 161
The instruction for this course will be delivered via Canvas with no scheduled class meetings. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course. **NOTE** If you are new to internet courses, you are strongly encouraged to enroll in a free Orientation to Online Learning mini Course. Register for OLRN 0001, CRN 23353 now.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Rachelle L Arizpe (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 14776 - MATH 1314 - 162
The instruction for this course will be delivered via Canvas with no scheduled class meetings. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course. **NOTE** If you are new to internet courses, you are strongly encouraged to enroll in a free Orientation to Online Learning mini Course. Register for OLRN 0001, CRN 23353 now.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Paul D Hernandez (P)E-mail

College Algebra Co-requisite - 41324 - MATH 1314 - 163
This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. In other words, this course is scheduled to meet face-to-face on campus in the assigned room during the scheduled class times. Students will attend class face-to-face following the CDC guidelines. It is also possible that this class may be converted to a remote learning only class meeting through Zoom at the scheduled class times. If that happens, a student must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. If the course is taught through remote learning, a student will need to access the course through CANVAS and all exams will be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform. Your instructor will either provide you with more information in CANVAS about the requirements to attend face-to-face classes in the current COVID environment or provide you with a Zoom link in CANVAS to attend class remotely.

This course is paired with a co-requisite course Math 0214 designed to get a student from Elementary Algebra through College Algebra in one semester. Students enrolling in MATH 1314.163 CRN: 41324 Monday and Wednesday 7:45 AM - 9:00 AM must also enroll in MATH 0214.163 CRN: 41323 Tuesday and Thursday 7:45 AM - 9:00 AM. This class is only for students that have a Math TSI score of 910 to 945 with a Diagnostic Level of 4 or 5. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 0314 in conjunction with Math 1414 instead.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, Embe Tutoring/Supp Instruction, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 7:45 am - 9:00 am MW Clarence W. Norris 316 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Jessica L Edmiston (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 22975 - MATH 1314 - 164
This is a fully online, asynchronous course which begins on August 26, 2024. This course will require your attendance to at least one exam which will be proctored in-person (on campus or at an approved testing center). Your instructor will provide you with specific information regarding this requirement in the course syllabus which will be available on the first day of class.

This is a college level course intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher and some nursing majors.

***NOTE*** If you are new to Online or Hybrid Courses, you are required to enroll in a free “Orientation to Online Learning” mini–course. Register for OLRN 0001.

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Manuel J Escobar (P)E-mail

College Algebra Co-requisite through Zoom - 38164 - MATH 1314 - 165
Synchronous instruction, on Zoom at the originally scheduled class times. It offers the benefits of face-to-face instruction while staying remote. Remote instruction will take place primarily via ZOOM, also using CANVAS and additional remote-access tools. In other words, this course is currently scheduled to meet via Zoom during the scheduled class times. A student must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. Since the class will be taught through remote learning, a student will need to access the course through CANVAS and all exams will be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform. Your instructor will provide you with a Zoom link in CANVAS to attend class remotely.

This course is paired with a co-requisite course Math 0214 designed to get a student from Elementary Algebra through College Algebra in one semester. Students enrolling in MATH 1314.165 CRN: 38164 Monday and Tuesday 7:45 AM - 9:00 AM must also enroll in MATH 0214.165 CRN: 38144 Wednesday and Thursday 7:45 AM - 9:00 AM. This class is only for students that have a Math TSI score of 910 to 945 with a Diagnostic Level of 4 or 5. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 0314 in conjunction with Math 1414 instead.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, Embe Tutoring/Supp Instruction, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Zoom/VideoTape/DVD/BroadcastTV Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 7:45 am - 9:00 am MT Remote Learning REMOTE Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Alberto I Guerra (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 37614 - MATH 1314 - 166
The instruction for this course will be delivered via Canvas with no scheduled class meetings. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course. **NOTE** If you are new to internet courses, you are strongly encouraged to enroll in a free Orientation to Online Learning mini Course. Register for OLRN 0001, CRN 23353 now.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Thomas Jay Reed (P)E-mail

College Algebra Co-requisite - 38166 - MATH 1314 - 167
This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. In other words, this course is scheduled to meet face-to-face on campus in the assigned room during the scheduled class times. Students will attend class face-to-face following the CDC guidelines. It is also possible that this class may be converted to a remote learning only class meeting through Zoom at the scheduled class times. If that happens, a student must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. If the course is taught through remote learning, a student will need to access the course through CANVAS and all exams will be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform. Your instructor will either provide you with more information in CANVAS about the requirements to attend face-to-face classes in the current COVID environment or provide you with a Zoom link in CANVAS to attend class remotely.

This course is paired with a co-requisite course Math 0214 designed to get a student from Elementary Algebra through College Algebra in one semester. Students enrolling in MATH 1314.167 CRN: 38166 Monday and Wednesday 9:15 AM - 10:30 AM must also enroll in MATH 0214.167 CRN: 38146 Tuesday and Thursday 9:15 AM - 10:30 AM. This class is only for students that have a Math TSI score of 910 to 945 with a Diagnostic Level of 4 or 5. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 0314 in conjunction with Math 1414 instead.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, Embe Tutoring/Supp Instruction, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 9:15 am - 10:30 am MW SPC Sutton Learning Center 126 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Miguel Angel Aguilar (P)E-mail

College Algebra Co-requisite through Zoom - 38165 - MATH 1314 - 168
Synchronous instruction, on Zoom at the originally scheduled class times. It offers the benefits of face-to-face instruction while staying remote. Remote instruction will take place primarily via ZOOM, also using CANVAS and additional remote-access tools. In other words, this course is currently scheduled to meet via Zoom during the scheduled class times. A student must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. Since the class will be taught through remote learning, a student will need to access the course through CANVAS and all exams will be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform. Your instructor will provide you with a Zoom link in CANVAS to attend class remotely.

This course is paired with a co-requisite course Math 0214 designed to get a student from Elementary Algebra through College Algebra in one semester. Students enrolling in MATH 1314.168 CRN: 38165 Monday and Tuesday 9:15 AM - 10:30 AM must also enroll in MATH 0214.168 CRN: 38145 Wednesday and Thursday 9:15 AM - 10:30 AM. This class is only for students that have a Math TSI score of 910 to 945 with a Diagnostic Level of 4 or 5. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 0314 in conjunction with Math 1414 instead.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, Embe Tutoring/Supp Instruction, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Zoom/VideoTape/DVD/BroadcastTV Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 9:15 am - 10:30 am MT Remote Learning REMOTE Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Javier Ernesto Garza (P)E-mail

College Algebra Co-requisite - 35390 - MATH 1314 - 169
This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. In other words, this course is scheduled to meet face-to-face on campus in the assigned room during the scheduled class times. Students will attend class face-to-face following the CDC guidelines. It is also possible that this class may be converted to a remote learning only class meeting through Zoom at the scheduled class times. If that happens, a student must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. If the course is taught through remote learning, a student will need to access the course through CANVAS and all exams will be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform. Your instructor will either provide you with more information in CANVAS about the requirements to attend face-to-face classes in the current COVID environment or provide you with a Zoom link in CANVAS to attend class remotely.

This course is paired with a co-requisite course Math 0214 designed to get a student from Elementary Algebra through College Algebra in one semester. Students enrolling in MATH 1314.169 CRN: 35390 Monday and Thursday 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM must also enroll in MATH 0214.169 CRN: 40592 Tuesday and Wednesday 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM. This class is only for students that have a Math TSI score of 910 to 945 with a Diagnostic Level of 4 or 5. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 0314 in conjunction with Math 1414 instead.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, Embe Tutoring/Supp Instruction, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 10:45 am - 12:00 pm MR SPC Sutton Learning Center 211 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Miguel Angel Aguilar (P)E-mail

College Algebra Co-requisite - 38175 - MATH 1314 - 170
This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. In other words, this course is scheduled to meet face-to-face on campus in the assigned room during the scheduled class times. Students will attend class face-to-face following the CDC guidelines. It is also possible that this class may be converted to a remote learning only class meeting through Zoom at the scheduled class times. If that happens, a student must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. If the course is taught through remote learning, a student will need to access the course through CANVAS and all exams will be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform. Your instructor will either provide you with more information in CANVAS about the requirements to attend face-to-face classes in the current COVID environment or provide you with a Zoom link in CANVAS to attend class remotely.

This course is paired with a co-requisite course Math 0214 designed to get a student from Elementary Algebra through College Algebra in one semester. Students enrolling in MATH 1314.170 CRN: 38175 Monday and Wednesday 12:20 PM - 1:35 PM must also enroll in MATH 0214.170 CRN: 38155 Monday and Wednesday 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM. This class is only for students that have a Math TSI score of 910 to 945 with a Diagnostic Level of 4 or 5. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 0314 in conjunction with Math 1414 instead.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, Embe Tutoring/Supp Instruction, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 12:20 pm - 1:35 pm MW Clarence W. Norris 318 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Grayling Bernard Williams (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 38366 - MATH 1314 - 171
The instruction for this course will be delivered via Canvas with no scheduled class meetings. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course. **NOTE** If you are new to internet courses, you are strongly encouraged to enroll in a free Orientation to Online Learning mini Course. Register for OLRN 0001, CRN 23353 now. CO-REQUISITE ONLINE COURSE: Students must register for (CRN: 38352) Math 0114 and (CRN: 38366) Math 1314.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details, MATH 1314 + MATH 0114 Co-Reqs, Online Class

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Mohamed Jamshed Ghouse (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 38388 - MATH 1314 - 172
The instruction for this course will be delivered via Canvas with no scheduled class meetings. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course. **NOTE** If you are new to internet courses, you are strongly encouraged to enroll in a free Orientation to Online Learning mini Course. Register for OLRN 0001, CRN 23353 now. CO-REQUISITE ONLINE COURSE: Students must register for (CRN: 38357) Math 0114 and (CRN: 38388) Math 1314.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details, MATH 1314 + MATH 0114 Co-Reqs, Online Class

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Linglin Liu (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 38526 - MATH 1314 - 173
This is a fully online, asynchronous course which begins on August 26, 2024. This course will require your attendance to at least one exam which will be proctored in-person (on campus or at an approved testing center). Your instructor will provide you with specific information regarding this requirement in the course syllabus which will be available on the first day of class.

This is a college level course intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher and some nursing majors.

***NOTE*** If you are new to Online or Hybrid Courses, you are required to enroll in a free “Orientation to Online Learning” mini–course. Register for OLRN 0001.

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Claudia B Chagoya Verdin (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 38527 - MATH 1314 - 174
This is a fully online, asynchronous course which begins on August 26, 2024. This course will require your attendance to at least one exam which will be proctored in-person (on campus or at an approved testing center). Your instructor will provide you with specific information regarding this requirement in the course syllabus which will be available on the first day of class.

This is a college level course intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher and some nursing majors.

***NOTE*** If you are new to Online or Hybrid Courses, you are required to enroll in a free “Orientation to Online Learning” mini–course. Register for OLRN 0001.

This course offers a Marketable Skills Badge in Resilience. This course is meant for students in NON-STEM majors.

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: MarketableSkillsBadge-Included, *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Amy L Collins Montalbano (P)E-mail

College Algebra Co-requisite - 38163 - MATH 1314 - 175
This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. In other words, this course is scheduled to meet face-to-face on campus in the assigned room during the scheduled class times. Students will attend class face-to-face following the CDC guidelines. It is also possible that this class may be converted to a remote learning only class meeting through Zoom at the scheduled class times. If that happens, a student must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. If the course is taught through remote learning, a student will need to access the course through CANVAS and all exams will be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform. Your instructor will either provide you with more information in CANVAS about the requirements to attend face-to-face classes in the current COVID environment or provide you with a Zoom link in CANVAS to attend class remotely.

This course is paired with a co-requisite course Math 0214 designed to get a student from Elementary Algebra through College Algebra in one semester. Students enrolling in MATH 1314.175 CRN: 38163 Monday and Wednesday 12:45 PM - 2:00 PM must also enroll in MATH 0214.175 CRN: 38143 Monday and Wednesday 2:10 PM - 3:25 PM. This class is only for students that have a Math TSI score of 910 to 945 with a Diagnostic Level of 4 or 5. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 0314 in conjunction with Math 1414 instead.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, Embe Tutoring/Supp Instruction, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 12:45 pm - 2:00 pm MW Clarence W. Norris 312 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Javier Ernesto Garza (P)E-mail

College Algebra Co-requisite through Zoom - 44511 - MATH 1314 - 176
Synchronous instruction, on Zoom at the originally scheduled class times. It offers the benefits of face-to-face instruction while staying remote. Remote instruction will take place primarily via ZOOM, also using CANVAS and additional remote-access tools. In other words, this course is currently scheduled to meet via Zoom during the scheduled class times. A student must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. Since the class will be taught through remote learning, a student will need to access the course through CANVAS and all exams will be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform. Your instructor will provide you with a Zoom link in CANVAS to attend class remotely.

This course is paired with a co-requisite course Math 0214 designed to get a student from Elementary Algebra through College Algebra in one semester. Students enrolling in MATH 1314.176 CRN: 44511 Monday and Wednesday 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM must also enroll in MATH 0214.176 CRN: 44510 Monday and Wednesday 3:10 PM - 4:25 PM. This class is only for students that have a Math TSI score of 910 to 945 with a Diagnostic Level of 4 or 5. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 0314 in conjunction with Math 1414 instead.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Zoom/VideoTape/DVD/BroadcastTV Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm MW Remote Learning REMOTE Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Stephanie Marcine Cottier (P)

College Algebra Co-Requisite through Zoom - 38179 - MATH 1314 - 177
Synchronous instruction, on Zoom at the originally scheduled class times. It offers the benefits of face-to-face instruction while staying remote. Remote instruction will take place primarily via ZOOM, also using CANVAS and additional remote-access tools. In other words, this course is currently scheduled to meet via Zoom during the scheduled class times. A student must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. Since the class will be taught through remote learning, a student will need to access the course through CANVAS and all exams will be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform. Your instructor will provide you with a Zoom link in CANVAS to attend class remotely.

This course is paired with a co-requisite course Math 0214 designed to get a student from Elementary Algebra through College Algebra in one semester. Students enrolling in MATH 1314.177 CRN: 38179 Monday and Wednesday 6:15 PM - 7:30 PM must also enroll in MATH 0214.177 CRN: 38159 Monday and Wednesday 7:40 PM - 8:55 PM. This class is only for students that have a Math TSI score of 910 to 945 with a Diagnostic Level of 4 or 5. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 0314 in conjunction with Math 1414 instead.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, Evening Core, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Zoom/VideoTape/DVD/BroadcastTV Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 6:15 pm - 7:30 pm MW Remote Learning REMOTE Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Tanya Gonzales (P)E-mail

College Algebra Co-requisite - 38172 - MATH 1314 - 178
This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. In other words, this course is scheduled to meet face-to-face on campus in the assigned room during the scheduled class times. Students will attend class face-to-face following the CDC guidelines. It is also possible that this class may be converted to a remote learning only class meeting through Zoom at the scheduled class times. If that happens, a student must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. If the course is taught through remote learning, a student will need to access the course through CANVAS and all exams will be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform. Your instructor will either provide you with more information in CANVAS about the requirements to attend face-to-face classes in the current COVID environment or provide you with a Zoom link in CANVAS to attend class remotely.

This course is paired with a co-requisite course Math 0214 designed to get a student from Elementary Algebra through College Algebra in one semester. Students enrolling in MATH 1314.178 CRN: 38172 Tuesday and Thursday 12:20 PM - 1:35 PM must also enroll in MATH 0214.178 CRN: 38152 Tuesday and Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM. This class is only for students that have a Math TSI score of 910 to 945 with a Diagnostic Level of 4 or 5. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 0314 in conjunction with Math 1414 instead.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, Embe Tutoring/Supp Instruction, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 12:20 pm - 1:35 pm TR Clarence W. Norris 215 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Grayling Bernard Williams (P)E-mail, Renita Deshawn Mitchell E-mail

College Algebra - 41897 - MATH 1314 - 179
The instruction for this course will be delivered via Canvas with no scheduled class meetings. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course. **NOTE** If you are new to internet courses, you are strongly encouraged to enroll in a free Orientation to Online Learning mini Course. Register for OLRN 0001, CRN 23353 now. CO-REQUISITE ONLINE COURSE: Students must register for (CRN: 41896) Math 0114 and (CRN: 41897) Math 1314.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details, MATH 1314 + MATH 0114 Co-Reqs, Online Class

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Mohamed Jamshed Ghouse (P)E-mail

College Algebra Co-requisite - 41326 - MATH 1314 - 180
This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. In other words, this course is scheduled to meet face-to-face on campus in the assigned room during the scheduled class times. Students will attend class face-to-face following the CDC guidelines. It is also possible that this class may be converted to a remote learning only class meeting through Zoom at the scheduled class times. If that happens, a student must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. If the course is taught through remote learning, a student will need to access the course through CANVAS and all exams will be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform. Your instructor will either provide you with more information in CANVAS about the requirements to attend face-to-face classes in the current COVID environment or provide you with a Zoom link in CANVAS to attend class remotely.

This course is paired with a co-requisite course Math 0214 designed to get a student from Elementary Algebra through College Algebra in one semester. Students enrolling in MATH 1314.180 CRN: 41326 Tuesday and Thursday 12:45 PM - 2:00 PM must also enroll in MATH 0214.180 CRN: 41325 Tuesday and Thursday 2:10 PM - 3:25 PM. This class is only for students that have a Math TSI score of 910 to 945 with a Diagnostic Level of 4 or 5. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 0314 in conjunction with Math 1414 instead.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, Embe Tutoring/Supp Instruction, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 12:45 pm - 2:00 pm TR Clarence W. Norris 312 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Angela Knight (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 44270 - MATH 1314 - 181
The instruction for this course will be delivered via canvas with no scheduled class meetings. If you are new to online or hybrid courses, you are required to enroll in this free Orientation to Online Learning mini-course (OLRN 0001, CRN# 52315 or 52316). If you have any questions, please call (210) 486-5372 or email nlc-dlc@alamo.edu. For more information about online classes at NLC, visit www.alamo.edu/nlc/academics/academic-resources/Instructional-Innovation-Center/OLRN-Student-Page. In order to enroll in this course you must enroll in Math 0214 (CRN# 44255), which meets online via Canvas with no scheduled class meetings. **Students planning to take Pre-Calculus should enroll in Math 1414+0214 instead**
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">Northeast Lakeview College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Dianna S Torres Lee (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 44271 - MATH 1314 - 182
The instruction for this course will be delivered via canvas with no scheduled class meetings. If you are new to online or hybrid courses, you are required to enroll in this free Orientation to Online Learning mini-course (OLRN 0001, CRN# 52315 or 52316). If you have any questions, please call (210) 486-5372 or email nlc-dlc@alamo.edu. For more information about online classes at NLC, visit www.alamo.edu/nlc/academics/academic-resources/Instructional-Innovation-Center/OLRN-Student-Page. In order to enroll in this course you must enroll in Math 0214 (CRN# 44943), which meets online via Canvas with no scheduled class meetings. **Students planning to take Pre-Calculus should enroll in Math 1414+0214 instead**
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">Northeast Lakeview College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Martha P Vargas (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 44275 - MATH 1314 - 183
The instruction for this course will be delivered via canvas with no scheduled class meetings. If you are new to online or hybrid courses, you are required to enroll in this free Orientation to Online Learning mini-course (OLRN 0001, CRN# 52315 or 52316). If you have any questions, please call (210) 486-5372 or email nlc-dlc@alamo.edu. For more information about online classes at NLC, visit www.alamo.edu/nlc/academics/academic-resources/Instructional-Innovation-Center/OLRN-Student-Page. **Students planning to take Pre-Calculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead**
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">Northeast Lakeview College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Rachid Makroz (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 44279 - MATH 1314 - 184
This is an 8-week Flex 1 course (08/26/2024 – 10/19/2024). The instruction for this course will be delivered via canvas with no scheduled class meetings. If you are new to online or hybrid courses, you are required to enroll in this free Orientation to Online Learning mini-course (OLRN 0001, CRN# 52315 or 52316). If you have any questions, please call (210) 486-5372 or email nlc-dlc@alamo.edu. For more information about online classes at NLC, visit www.alamo.edu/nlc/academics/academic-resources/Instructional-Innovation-Center/OLRN-Student-Page. **Students planning to take Pre-Calculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead**
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 27,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">Northeast Lakeview College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Oct 19,2024 Lecture Rebbecca R Guevara (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 44785 - MATH 1314 - 185
The instruction for this course will be delivered via Canvas with no scheduled class meetings. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course. **NOTE** If you are new to internet courses, you are strongly encouraged to enroll in a free Orientation to Online Learning mini Course. Register for OLRN 0001, CRN 23353 now. CO-REQUISITE ONLINE COURSE: Students must register for (CRN: 44787) Math 0114 and (CRN: 44785) Math 1314.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details, MATH 1314 + MATH 0114 Co-Reqs, Online Class

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Mohamed Jamshed Ghouse (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 45081 - MATH 1314 - 186
The instruction for this course will be delivered via Canvas with no scheduled class meetings. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course. **NOTE** If you are new to internet courses, you are strongly encouraged to enroll in a free Orientation to Online Learning mini Course. Register for OLRN 0001, CRN 23353 now. CO-REQUISITE ONLINE COURSE: Students must register for (CRN: 45099) Math 0214 and (CRN: 45081) Math 1314.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details, MATH 1314 + MATH 0214 Co-Reqs, Online Class

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Eric W Christopherson (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 48294 - MATH 1314 - 187
Asynchronous instruction delivered online via Canvas and additional online tools. There will be no scheduled class meetings. This is a full-term, 16-week course.

Enrollment in BOTH Math 1314 CRN 48294 and Math 0214 CRN 48295 is required.

DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Instructional Materials Charge.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">San Antonio College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Paula L Mc Kenna (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 48467 - MATH 1314 - 188
The instruction for this course will be delivered via Canvas with no scheduled class meetings. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course. **NOTE** If you are new to internet courses, you are strongly encouraged to enroll in a free Orientation to Online Learning mini Course. Register for OLRN 0001, CRN 23353 now.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Linglin Liu (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 48580 - MATH 1314 - 189
Asynchronous instruction delivered online via Canvas and additional online tools. This is a full-term, sixteen-week course. There will be no scheduled class meetings. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Instructional Materials Charge.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">San Antonio College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Conrad D Krueger (P)E-mail

College Algebra Co-requisite through Zoom - 53840 - MATH 1314 - 195
Synchronous instruction, on Zoom at the originally scheduled class times. It offers the benefits of face-to-face instruction while staying remote. Remote instruction will take place primarily via ZOOM, also using CANVAS and additional remote-access tools. In other words, this course is currently scheduled to meet via Zoom during the scheduled class times. A student must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. Since the class will be taught through remote learning, a student will need to access the course through CANVAS and all exams will be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform. Your instructor will provide you with a Zoom link in CANVAS to attend class remotely.

This course is paired with a co-requisite course Math 0214 designed to get a student from Elementary Algebra through College Algebra in one semester. Students enrolling in MATH 1314.195 CRN: 53840 Tuesday and Thursday 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM must also enroll in MATH 0214.195 CRN: 53841 Tuesday and Thursday 3:05 PM - 4:20 PM. This class is only for students that have a Math TSI score of 910 to 945 with a Diagnostic Level of 4 or 5. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 0314 in conjunction with Math 1414 instead.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Zoom/VideoTape/DVD/BroadcastTV Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm TR Remote Learning REMOTE Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Stephanie Marcine Cottier (P)

College Algebra - 50392 - MATH 1314 - 196
The instruction for this course will be delivered via Canvas with no scheduled class meetings. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course. **NOTE** If you are new to internet courses, you are strongly encouraged to enroll in a free Orientation to Online Learning mini Course. Register for OLRN 0001, CRN 23353 now. CO-REQUISITE ONLINE COURSE: Students must register for (CRN: 50393) Math 0214 and (CRN: 50392) Math 1314.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details, MATH 1314 + MATH 0214 Co-Reqs, Online Class

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Monette B Elizalde (P)E-mail

College Algebra Co-requisite through Zoom - 38178 - MATH 1314 - 197
Synchronous instruction, on Zoom at the originally scheduled class times. It offers the benefits of face-to-face instruction while staying remote. Remote instruction will take place primarily via ZOOM, also using CANVAS and additional remote-access tools. In other words, this course is currently scheduled to meet via Zoom during the scheduled class times. A student must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. Since the class will be taught through remote learning, a student will need to access the course through CANVAS and all exams will be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform. Your instructor will provide you with a Zoom link in CANVAS to attend class remotely.

This course is paired with a co-requisite course Math 0214 designed to get a student from Elementary Algebra through College Algebra in one semester. Students enrolling in MATH 1314.197 CRN: 38178 Tuesday and Thursday 6:15 PM - 7:30 PM must also enroll in MATH 0214.197 CRN: 38158 Tuesday and Thursday 7:40 PM - 8:55 PM. This class is only for students that have a Math TSI score of 910 to 945 with a Diagnostic Level of 4 or 5. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 0314 in conjunction with Math 1414 instead.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, Evening Core, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Zoom/VideoTape/DVD/BroadcastTV Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 6:15 pm - 7:30 pm TR Remote Learning REMOTE Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Jack A Gonzalez (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 51402 - MATH 1314 - 198
The instruction for this course will be delivered via Canvas with no scheduled class meetings. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course. **NOTE** If you are new to internet courses, you are strongly encouraged to enroll in a free Orientation to Online Learning mini Course. Register for OLRN 0001, CRN 23353 now. CO-REQUISITE ONLINE COURSE: Students must register for (CRN: 51401) Math 0214, and (CRN: 51402) Math 1314.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details, MATH 1314 + MATH 0214 Co-Reqs, Online Class

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Eric W Christopherson (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 52063 - MATH 1314 - 199
Asynchronous instruction delivered online via Canvas and additional online tools. This is a full-term, sixteen-week course. There will be no scheduled class meetings. Students must enroll in MATH 0214 CRN 52064. Enrollment in both 1314 and 0214 is required. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Instructional Materials Charge.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">San Antonio College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Shiva Rai (P)E-mail

College Algebra Co-requisite through Zoom - 44509 - MATH 1314 - 200
Synchronous instruction, on Zoom at the originally scheduled class times. It offers the benefits of face-to-face instruction while staying remote. Remote instruction will take place primarily via ZOOM, also using CANVAS and additional remote-access tools. In other words, this course is currently scheduled to meet via Zoom during the scheduled class times. A student must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. Since the class will be taught through remote learning, a student will need to access the course through CANVAS and all exams will be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform. Your instructor will provide you with a Zoom link in CANVAS to attend class remotely.

This course is paired with a co-requisite course Math 0214 designed to get a student from Elementary Algebra through College Algebra in one semester. Students enrolling in MATH 1314.200 CRN: 44509 Saturday 8:00 AM - 10:40 AM must also enroll in MATH 0214.200 CRN: 44508 Saturday 10:50 AM - 1:30 PM. This class is only for students that have a Math TSI score of 910 to 945 with a Diagnostic Level of 4 or 5. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 0314 in conjunction with Math 1414 instead.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Zoom/VideoTape/DVD/BroadcastTV Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 8:00 am - 10:40 am S Remote Learning REMOTE Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Tanya Gonzales (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 52249 - MATH 1314 - 201
Asynchronous instruction delivered online via Canvas and additional online tools. This is a full-term, sixteen-week course. There will be no scheduled class meetings. Students must enroll in MATH 0114 CRN 52250. Enrollment in both 1314 and 0114 is required. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Instructional Materials Charge.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">San Antonio College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Ricardo J Pina (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 52304 - MATH 1314 - 202
The instruction for this course will be delivered via Canvas with no scheduled class meetings. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course. **NOTE** If you are new to internet courses, you are strongly encouraged to enroll in a free Orientation to Online Learning mini Course. Register for OLRN 0001, CRN 23353 now.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 27,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Oct 19,2024 Lecture Aimee Elizabeth Maceyko (P)E-mail

College Algebra Co-Requisite - 38171 - MATH 1314 - 203
Asynchronous instruction delivered online via CANVAS and additional online tools. There may be a face-to-face component such as orientation, laboratory, exam review, or an in-person test. In other words, the instruction for this course will be delivered via CANVAS with no scheduled class meetings.

This course is paired with a co-requisite course Math 0214 designed to get a student from Elementary Algebra through College Algebra in one semester. Students enrolling in MATH 1314.203 CRN: 38171 Online must also enroll in MATH 0214.203 CRN: 38151 Online. This class is only for students that have a Math TSI score of 910 to 945 with a Diagnostic Level of 4 or 5. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 0314 in conjunction with Math 1414 instead.

***Note*** If you are new to online classes, you are REQUIRED to take the Orientation to Online Learning course, OLRN 0001. This course familiarizes students with navigating through the online system for a successful start. All the content of this course will be delivered online. Students enrolling in this course must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. Before the end of the first week of class, students are expected to complete all of the requirements of the class orientation in CANVAS by the due date set by the instructor and be registered in the required course software. Otherwise, the student may be dropped from the course. All exams are to be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, Embe Tutoring/Supp Instruction, *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Alberto I Guerra (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 54089 - MATH 1314 - 205
The instruction for this course will be delivered via Canvas with no scheduled class meetings. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course. **NOTE** If you are new to internet courses, you are strongly encouraged to enroll in a free Orientation to Online Learning mini Course. Register for OLRN 0001, CRN 23353 now. CO-REQUISITE ONLINE COURSE: Students must register for (CRN: 54088) Math 0214 and (CRN: 54089) Math 1314.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details, MATH 1314 + MATH 0214 Co-Reqs, Online Class

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Monette B Elizalde (P)E-mail

College Algebra Co-Requisite - 38182 - MATH 1314 - 206
Asynchronous instruction delivered online via CANVAS and additional online tools. There may be a face-to-face component such as orientation, laboratory, exam review, or an in-person test. In other words, the instruction for this course will be delivered via CANVAS with no scheduled class meetings.

This course is paired with a co-requisite course Math 0214 designed to get a student from Elementary Algebra through College Algebra in one semester. Students enrolling in MATH 1314.206 CRN: 38182 Online must also enroll in MATH 0214.206 CRN: 38162 Online. This class is only for students that have a Math TSI score of 910 to 945 with a Diagnostic Level of 4 or 5. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 0314 in conjunction with Math 1414 instead.

***Note*** If you are new to online classes, you are REQUIRED to take the Orientation to Online Learning course, OLRN 0001. This course familiarizes students with navigating through the online system for a successful start. All the content of this course will be delivered online. Students enrolling in this course must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. Before the end of the first week of class, students are expected to complete all of the requirements of the class orientation in CANVAS by the due date set by the instructor and be registered in the required course software. Otherwise, the student may be dropped from the course. All exams are to be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Javier Ernesto Garza (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 54247 - MATH 1314 - 207
The instruction for this course will be delivered via Canvas with no scheduled class meetings. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course. ***NOTE*** If you are new to internet courses, you are strongly encouraged to enroll in a free Orientation to Online Learning mini course. Register for OLRN 0001-010, CRN 22408 now. Students enrolling in this course must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection and must be proficient with computers and navigating the Internet. CO-REQUISITE ONLINE COURSE: Students must register for (CRN: 54246) Math 0114 and (CRN: 54247) Math 1314
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details, MATH 1314 + MATH 0114 Co-Reqs, Online Class

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Zachery Anthony Garcia Viray (P)E-mail

College Algebra Co-Requisite - 38214 - MATH 1314 - 208
Asynchronous instruction delivered online via CANVAS and additional online tools. There may be a face-to-face component such as orientation, laboratory, exam review, or an in-person test. In other words, the instruction for this course will be delivered via CANVAS with no scheduled class meetings.

This course is paired with a co-requisite course Math 0214 designed to get a student from Elementary Algebra through College Algebra in one semester. Students enrolling in MATH 1314.208 CRN: 38214 Online must also enroll in MATH 0214.208 CRN: 38216 Online. This class is only for students that have a Math TSI score of 910 to 945 with a Diagnostic Level of 4 or 5. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 0314 in conjunction with Math 1414 instead.

***Note*** If you are new to online classes, you are REQUIRED to take the Orientation to Online Learning course, OLRN 0001. This course familiarizes students with navigating through the online system for a successful start. All the content of this course will be delivered online. Students enrolling in this course must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. Before the end of the first week of class, students are expected to complete all of the requirements of the class orientation in CANVAS by the due date set by the instructor and be registered in the required course software. Otherwise, the student may be dropped from the course. All exams are to be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Jessica L Edmiston (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 55567 - MATH 1314 - 212
This is a fully online, asynchronous course which begins on August 26, 2024. This course will require your attendance to at least one exam which will be proctored in-person (on campus or at an approved testing center). Your instructor will provide you with specific information regarding this requirement in the course syllabus which will be available on the first day of class.

This is a college level course intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher and some nursing majors.

***NOTE*** If you are new to Online or Hybrid Courses, you are required to enroll in a free “Orientation to Online Learning” mini–course. Register for OLRN 0001.

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Claudia B Chagoya Verdin (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 47674 - MATH 1314 - 214
This is a Start II—14 week session which begins September 09, 2024.

This F2F course will meet in the assigned classroom on campus during the scheduled class times. The course will be taught in the same way as a pre-Covid F2F course.

This is a MATH 1314/0214 Co-Requisite course and is intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher majors and some nursing majors). Students will learn developmental topics to support them through college level math 1314.

The student must enroll in both Math 1314 (CRN 47674) and Math 0214 (CRN 47692).

NOTE: MATH 0214 runs an additional 59 minutes to the time listed above. The additional time is added to the end time listed above.

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Sep 10,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm MW NVC Juniper Hall Academic Ctr 333 Sep 09,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Joseph P Stein (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 43718 - MATH 1314 - 216
The instruction for this course will be delivered via Canvas with no scheduled class meetings. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course. **NOTE** If you are new to internet courses, you are strongly encouraged to enroll in a free Orientation to Online Learning mini Course. Register for OLRN 0001, CRN 23353 now.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Sep 10,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Sep 09,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Mohamed Jamshed Ghouse (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 44272 - MATH 1314 - 217
This is a 14-week Second Start course (09/09/2024 – 12/14/2024). The instruction for this course will be delivered via canvas with no scheduled class meetings. If you are new to online or hybrid courses, you are required to enroll in this free Orientation to Online Learning mini-course (OLRN 0001, CRN# 52315 or 52316). If you have any questions, please call (210) 486-5372 or email nlc-dlc@alamo.edu. For more information about online classes at NLC, visit www.alamo.edu/nlc/academics/academic-resources/Instructional-Innovation-Center/OLRN-Student-Page. In order to enroll in this course you must enroll in Math 0214 (CRN# 55848), which meets online via Canvas with no scheduled class meetings. **Students planning to take Pre-Calculus should enroll in Math 1414+0214 instead**
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Sep 10,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">Northeast Lakeview College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Sep 09,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Amanda Celaya Perez (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 44274 - MATH 1314 - 218
This is a 14-week Second Start course (09/09/2024 – 12/14/2024). The instruction for this course will be delivered via canvas with no scheduled class meetings. If you are new to online or hybrid courses, you are required to enroll in this free Orientation to Online Learning mini-course (OLRN 0001, CRN# 52315 or 52316). If you have any questions, please call (210) 486-5372 or email nlc-dlc@alamo.edu. For more information about online classes at NLC, visit www.alamo.edu/nlc/academics/academic-resources/Instructional-Innovation-Center/OLRN-Student-Page. In order to enroll in this course you must enroll in Math 0214 (CRN# 44972), which meets online via Canvas with no scheduled class meetings. **Students planning to take Pre-Calculus should enroll in Math 1414+0214 instead**
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Sep 10,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">Northeast Lakeview College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Sep 09,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Oscar Emmanuel Gaytan Robles (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 44276 - MATH 1314 - 219
This is a 14-week Second Start course (09/09/2024 – 12/14/2024). The instruction for this course will be delivered via canvas with no scheduled class meetings. If you are new to online or hybrid courses, you are required to enroll in this free Orientation to Online Learning mini-course (OLRN 0001, CRN# 52315 or 52316). If you have any questions, please call (210) 486-5372 or email nlc-dlc@alamo.edu. For more information about online classes at NLC, visit www.alamo.edu/nlc/academics/academic-resources/Instructional-Innovation-Center/OLRN-Student-Page. **Students planning to take Pre-Calculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead**
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Sep 10,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">Northeast Lakeview College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Sep 09,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Jose F Maldonado (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 48472 - MATH 1314 - 220
The instruction for this course will be delivered via Canvas with no scheduled class meetings. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course. **NOTE** If you are new to internet courses, you are strongly encouraged to enroll in a free Orientation to Online Learning mini Course. Register for OLRN 0001, CRN 23353 now. CO-REQUISITE ONLINE COURSE: Students must register for (CRN: 48255) Math 0114 and (CRN: 48472) Math 1314.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Sep 10,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details, MATH 1314 + MATH 0114 Co-Reqs, Online Class

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Sep 09,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Bhawana Ranjan (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 52259 - MATH 1314 - 221
Asynchronous instruction delivered online via Canvas and additional online tools. There will be no scheduled class meetings. This is a late start, 14-week course.

Enrollment in BOTH Math 1314 CRN 52259 and Math 0114 CRN 52260 is required.

DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Instructional Materials Charge.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Sep 10,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">San Antonio College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Sep 09,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Maynell Wackwitz (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 52263 - MATH 1314 - 222
Asynchronous instruction delivered online via Canvas and additional online tools. There will be no scheduled class meetings. This is a late start, 14-week course.

Enrollment in BOTH Math 1314 CRN 52263 and Math 0214 CRN 52264 is required.

DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Instructional Materials Charge.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Sep 10,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">San Antonio College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Sep 09,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Meagan Shadfan (P)E-mail

College Algebra Co-Requisite - 38215 - MATH 1314 - 225
Asynchronous instruction delivered online via CANVAS and additional online tools. There may be a face-to-face component such as orientation, laboratory, exam review, or an in-person test. In other words, the instruction for this course will be delivered via CANVAS with no scheduled class meetings.

This course is paired with a co-requisite course Math 0214 designed to get a student from Elementary Algebra through College Algebra in one semester. Students enrolling in MATH 1314.225 CRN: 38215 Online must also enroll in MATH 0214.225 CRN: 38217 Online. This class is only for students that have a Math TSI score of 910 to 945 with a Diagnostic Level of 4 or 5. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 0314 in conjunction with Math 1414 instead.

***Note*** If you are new to online classes, you are REQUIRED to take the Orientation to Online Learning course, OLRN 0001. This course familiarizes students with navigating through the online system for a successful start. All the content of this course will be delivered online. Students enrolling in this course must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. Before the end of the first week of class, students are expected to complete all of the requirements of the class orientation in CANVAS by the due date set by the instructor and be registered in the required course software. Otherwise, the student may be dropped from the course. All exams are to be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Jose Barrera (P)E-mail, Javier Ernesto Garza E-mail

College Algebra Co-Requisite - 41303 - MATH 1314 - 226
Asynchronous instruction delivered online via CANVAS and additional online tools. There may be a face-to-face component such as orientation, laboratory, exam review, or an in-person test. In other words, the instruction for this course will be delivered via CANVAS with no scheduled class meetings.

This course is paired with a co-requisite course Math 0214 designed to get a student from Elementary Algebra through College Algebra in one semester. Students enrolling in MATH 1314.226 CRN: 41303 Online must also enroll in MATH 0214.226 CRN: 41305 Online. This class is only for students that have a Math TSI score of 910 to 945 with a Diagnostic Level of 4 or 5. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 0314 in conjunction with Math 1414 instead.

***Note*** If you are new to online classes, you are REQUIRED to take the Orientation to Online Learning course, OLRN 0001. This course familiarizes students with navigating through the online system for a successful start. All the content of this course will be delivered online. Students enrolling in this course must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. Before the end of the first week of class, students are expected to complete all of the requirements of the class orientation in CANVAS by the due date set by the instructor and be registered in the required course software. Otherwise, the student may be dropped from the course. All exams are to be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Phnesha Kantel Hale (P)E-mail

College Algebra Co-Requisite - 41304 - MATH 1314 - 227
Asynchronous instruction delivered online via CANVAS and additional online tools. There may be a face-to-face component such as orientation, laboratory, exam review, or an in-person test. In other words, the instruction for this course will be delivered via CANVAS with no scheduled class meetings.

This course is paired with a co-requisite course Math 0214 designed to get a student from Elementary Algebra through College Algebra in one semester. Students enrolling in MATH 1314.227 CRN: 41304 Online must also enroll in MATH 0214.227 CRN: 41306 Online. This class is only for students that have a Math TSI score of 910 to 945 with a Diagnostic Level of 4 or 5. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 0314 in conjunction with Math 1414 instead.

***Note*** If you are new to online classes, you are REQUIRED to take the Orientation to Online Learning course, OLRN 0001. This course familiarizes students with navigating through the online system for a successful start. All the content of this course will be delivered online. Students enrolling in this course must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. Before the end of the first week of class, students are expected to complete all of the requirements of the class orientation in CANVAS by the due date set by the instructor and be registered in the required course software. Otherwise, the student may be dropped from the course. All exams are to be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Miguel Angel Aguilar (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 51544 - MATH 1314 - 229
This is a Flex II course which begins on October 21, 2024.

This F2F course will meet in the assigned classroom on campus during the scheduled class times. The course will be taught in the same way as a pre-Covid F2F course.

This is a MATH 1314/0214 Co-Requisite course and is intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher majors and some nursing majors). Students will learn developmental topics to support them through college level math 1314.

The student must enroll in both Math 1314 (CRN 51544) and Math 0214 (CRN 51545).

NOTE: MATH 0214 runs an additional 40 minutes to the time listed above. The additional time is added to the end time listed above.

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Oct 22,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm MW NVC Juniper Hall Academic Ctr 309 Oct 21,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Jennifer Schulze-Aguirre (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 43874 - MATH 1314 - 230
This is a Flex II course which begins on October 21, 2024.

This F2F course will meet in the assigned classroom on campus during the scheduled class times. The course will be taught in the same way as a pre-Covid F2F course.

This is a MATH 1314/0214 Co-Requisite course and is intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher majors and some nursing majors). Students will learn developmental topics to support them through college level math 1314.

The student must enroll in both Math 1314 (CRN 43874) and Math 0214 (CRN 43875).

NOTE: MATH 0214 runs an additional 50 minutes to the time listed above. The additional time is added to the end time listed above.

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Oct 22,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 10:00 am - 11:15 am MTWR Cedar Elm Stem Center 117 Oct 21,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Roland De Leon (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 47782 - MATH 1314 - 232
This is a Flex II course which begins on October 21, 2024.

This F2F course will meet in the assigned classroom on campus during the scheduled class times. The course will be taught in the same way as a pre-Covid F2F course.

This is a MATH 1314/0214 Co-Requisite course and is intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher majors and some nursing majors). Students will learn developmental topics to support them through college level math 1314.

The student must enroll in both Math 1314 (CRN 47782) and Math 0214 (CRN 47783).

NOTE: MATH 0214 runs an additional 50 minutes to the time listed above. The additional time is added to the end time listed above.

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Oct 22,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 12:30 pm - 1:45 pm MTWR Cedar Elm Stem Center 117 Oct 21,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Heidi L Hunt (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 47684 - MATH 1314 - 233
This is a Flex II course which begins on October 21, 2024.

This F2F course will meet in the assigned classroom on campus during the scheduled class times. The course will be taught in the same way as a pre-Covid F2F course.

This is a MATH 1314/0214 Co-Requisite course and is intended for NON-STEM majors (including TX elementary teacher majors and some nursing majors). Students will learn developmental topics to support them through college level math 1314.

The student must enroll in both Math 1314 (CRN 47684) and Math 0214 (CRN 47685).

NOTE: MATH 0214 runs an additional 50 minutes to the time listed above. The additional time is added to the end time listed above.

DO NOT BUY TEXTBOOKS. Instructional materials (IM) are included in this course. Course materials will be provided by the instructor or online. Please visit the AlamoBOOKS+ website for details on the IM fees: https://www.alamo.edu/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/alamo-books/
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Oct 22,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Northwest Vista College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 3:00 pm - 4:15 pm MTWR Cedar Elm Stem Center 117 Oct 21,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Heidi L Hunt (P)E-mail, Ermine F Orta E-mail

College Algebra - 49496 - MATH 1314 - 236
This section is offered fully on campus. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Oct 22,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 8:00 am - 10:45 am TR PAC Ozuna Library Center 134 Oct 21,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Alfredo G Alvarez (P)E-mail

College Algebra Co-Requisite - 50757 - MATH 1314 - 238
Asynchronous instruction delivered online via CANVAS and additional online tools. There may be a face-to-face component such as orientation, laboratory, exam review, or an in-person test. In other words, the instruction for this course will be delivered via CANVAS with no scheduled class meetings.

This course is paired with a co-requisite course Math 0214 designed to get a student from Elementary Algebra through College Algebra in one semester. Students enrolling in MATH 1314.238 CRN: 50757 Online must also enroll in MATH 0214.238 CRN: 50756 Online. This class is only for students that have a Math TSI score of 910 to 945 with a Diagnostic Level of 4 or 5. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 0314 in conjunction with Math 1414 instead.

***Note*** If you are new to online classes, you are REQUIRED to take the Orientation to Online Learning course, OLRN 0001. This course familiarizes students with navigating through the online system for a successful start. All the content of this course will be delivered online. Students enrolling in this course must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. Before the end of the first week of class, students are expected to complete all of the requirements of the class orientation in CANVAS by the due date set by the instructor and be registered in the required course software. Otherwise, the student may be dropped from the course. All exams are to be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Stephanie Marcine Cottier (P)

College Algebra - 23076 - MATH 1314 - 239
The instruction for this course will be delivered via Canvas with no scheduled class meetings. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course. **NOTE** If you are new to internet courses, you are strongly encouraged to enroll in a free Orientation to Online Learning mini Course. Register for OLRN 0001, CRN 23353 now.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Oct 22,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Oct 21,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Rachelle L Arizpe (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 23148 - MATH 1314 - 240
Asynchronous instruction delivered online via Canvas and additional online tools. There will be no scheduled class meetings. This is a Flex II, 8-week course.

DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Instructional Materials Charge.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Oct 22,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">San Antonio College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Oct 21,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Conrad D Krueger (P)E-mail

College Algebra Co-Requisite - 52123 - MATH 1314 - 241
Asynchronous instruction delivered online via CANVAS and additional online tools. There may be a face-to-face component such as orientation, laboratory, exam review, or an in-person test. In other words, the instruction for this course will be delivered via CANVAS with no scheduled class meetings.

This course is paired with a co-requisite course Math 0214 designed to get a student from Elementary Algebra through College Algebra in one semester. Students enrolling in MATH 1314.241 CRN: 52123 Online must also enroll in MATH 0214.241 CRN: 52125 Online. This class is only for students that have a Math TSI score of 910 to 945 with a Diagnostic Level of 4 or 5. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 0314 in conjunction with Math 1414 instead.

***Note*** If you are new to online classes, you are REQUIRED to take the Orientation to Online Learning course, OLRN 0001. This course familiarizes students with navigating through the online system for a successful start. All the content of this course will be delivered online. Students enrolling in this course must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. Before the end of the first week of class, students are expected to complete all of the requirements of the class orientation in CANVAS by the due date set by the instructor and be registered in the required course software. Otherwise, the student may be dropped from the course. All exams are to be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Bianca K Laven (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 40797 - MATH 1314 - 242
Asynchronous instruction delivered online via Canvas and additional online tools. There will be no scheduled class meetings. This is a Flex II, 8-week course.

DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Instructional Materials Charge.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Oct 22,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">San Antonio College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Oct 21,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Marisol Sanchez Cortez (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 44282 - MATH 1314 - 244
This is an 8-week Flex 2 course (10/21/2024 – 12/14/2024). The instruction for this course will be delivered via canvas with no scheduled class meetings. If you are new to online or hybrid courses, you are required to enroll in this free Orientation to Online Learning mini-course (OLRN 0001, CRN# 52315 or 52316). If you have any questions, please call (210) 486-5372 or email nlc-dlc@alamo.edu. For more information about online classes at NLC, visit www.alamo.edu/nlc/academics/academic-resources/Instructional-Innovation-Center/OLRN-Student-Page. **Students planning to take Pre-Calculus should enroll in Math 1414 instead**
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Oct 22,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">Northeast Lakeview College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Oct 21,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Jose F Maldonado (P)E-mail

College Algebra Co-Requisite - 47775 - MATH 1314 - 245
Asynchronous instruction delivered online via CANVAS and additional online tools. There may be a face-to-face component such as orientation, laboratory, exam review, or an in-person test. In other words, the instruction for this course will be delivered via CANVAS with no scheduled class meetings.

This course is paired with a co-requisite course Math 0214 designed to get a student from Elementary Algebra through College Algebra in one semester. Students enrolling in MATH 1314.245 CRN: 47775 Online must also enroll in MATH 0214.245 CRN: 47774 Online. This class is only for students that have a Math TSI score of 910 to 945 with a Diagnostic Level of 4 or 5. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 0314 in conjunction with Math 1414 instead.

***Note*** If you are new to online classes, you are REQUIRED to take the Orientation to Online Learning course, OLRN 0001. This course familiarizes students with navigating through the online system for a successful start. All the content of this course will be delivered online. Students enrolling in this course must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. Before the end of the first week of class, students are expected to complete all of the requirements of the class orientation in CANVAS by the due date set by the instructor and be registered in the required course software. Otherwise, the student may be dropped from the course. All exams are to be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Sep 24,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: Accelerated, DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Sep 23,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Natalie Gail Black (P)E-mail

College Algebra Co-Requisite - 51050 - MATH 1314 - 247
Asynchronous instruction delivered online via CANVAS and additional online tools. There may be a face-to-face component such as orientation, laboratory, exam review, or an in-person test. In other words, the instruction for this course will be delivered via CANVAS with no scheduled class meetings.

This course is paired with a co-requisite course Math 0214 designed to get a student from Elementary Algebra through College Algebra in one semester. Students enrolling in MATH 1314.247 CRN: 51050 Online must also enroll in MATH 0214.247 CRN: 51051 Online. This class is only for students that have a Math TSI score of 910 to 945 with a Diagnostic Level of 4 or 5. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 0314 in conjunction with Math 1414 instead.

***Note*** If you are new to online classes, you are REQUIRED to take the Orientation to Online Learning course, OLRN 0001. This course familiarizes students with navigating through the online system for a successful start. All the content of this course will be delivered online. Students enrolling in this course must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. Before the end of the first week of class, students are expected to complete all of the requirements of the class orientation in CANVAS by the due date set by the instructor and be registered in the required course software. Otherwise, the student may be dropped from the course. All exams are to be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Sep 24,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: Accelerated, DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Sep 23,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Phnesha Kantel Hale (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 54167 - MATH 1314 - 248
Asynchronous instruction delivered online via Canvas and additional online tools. There will be no scheduled class meetings. This is a Flex II, 8-week course.

Enrollment in BOTH Math 1314 CRN 54167 and Math 0114 CRN 54182 is required.

DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Instructional Materials Charge.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Oct 22,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">San Antonio College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Oct 21,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture David Chavera (P)E-mail

College Algebra Co-Requisite - 52122 - MATH 1314 - 251
Asynchronous instruction delivered online via CANVAS and additional online tools. There may be a face-to-face component such as orientation, laboratory, exam review, or an in-person test. In other words, the instruction for this course will be delivered via CANVAS with no scheduled class meetings.

This course is paired with a co-requisite course Math 0214 designed to get a student from Elementary Algebra through College Algebra in one semester. Students enrolling in MATH 1314.251 CRN: 52122 Online must also enroll in MATH 0214.251 CRN: 52124 Online. This class is only for students that have a Math TSI score of 910 to 945 with a Diagnostic Level of 4 or 5. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Tuition and Fees. This course will NOT prepare a student for Precalculus (Math 2412). Students planning to take Precalculus should enroll in Math 0314 in conjunction with Math 1414 instead.

***Note*** If you are new to online classes, you are REQUIRED to take the Orientation to Online Learning course, OLRN 0001. This course familiarizes students with navigating through the online system for a successful start. All the content of this course will be delivered online. Students enrolling in this course must have regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection (DSL or high speed is strongly recommended), a webcam, and must be proficient with a computer and navigating the Internet. Please note that Chromebooks and cell phones will NOT work with the course software. Before the end of the first week of class, students are expected to complete all of the requirements of the class orientation in CANVAS by the due date set by the instructor and be registered in the required course software. Otherwise, the student may be dropped from the course. All exams are to be proctored through CANVAS or another software platform.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Oct 22,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: Accelerated, DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">St. Philip's College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Oct 21,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Alberto I Guerra (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 54969 - MATH 1314 - 254
The instruction for this course will be delivered via Canvas with no scheduled class meetings. CO-REQUISITE ONLINE COURSE: Students must register for Math 0214 (CRN: 54967) and Math 1314 (CRN: 54969). This course takes place the first 8 weeks of the semester. A FREE orientation mini-course is available for students NEW to internet courses by registering for CRN# 23353.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 27,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details, MATH 1314 + MATH 0114 Co-Reqs, Online Class

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Oct 19,2024 Lecture Darlene Tresa Price-Johnson (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 56312 - MATH 1314 - 257
This course meets on-campus (on-site) for instruction. This is a full-term, sixteen-week course. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Instructional Materials Charge.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 28,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">San Antonio College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
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Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 9:00 am - 12:00 pm S SAC McCreless Hall 102 Aug 26,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Reza Aghayan (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 56319 - MATH 1314 - 258
Asynchronous instruction delivered online via Canvas and additional online tools. This is a Flex II, eight-week course. There will be no scheduled class meetings. Students must enroll in MATH 0214 CRN 56320. Enrollment in both 1314 and 0214 is required. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Instructional Materials Charge.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Oct 22,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">San Antonio College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Oct 21,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Paula L Mc Kenna (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 56405 - MATH 1314 - 261
Asynchronous instruction delivered online via Canvas and additional online tools. This is a Flex I, eight-week course. There will be no scheduled class meetings. DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Instructional Materials Charge.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Aug 27,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">San Antonio College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Aug 26,2024 - Oct 19,2024 Lecture Fermin D Ortiz (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 57194 - MATH 1314 - 268
HYBRID: This course has online or remote instruction with an on-campus (on-site) component. This is a full-term, Flex II course.

DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Instructional Materials Charge.

Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Oct 22,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: Blended/Hybrid Class, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">San Antonio College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Hybrid Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 8:30 am - 9:45 am TR SAC McCreless Hall 115 Oct 21,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Ricardo J Pina (P)E-mail
Internet TBA   TBA Oct 21,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Ricardo J Pina (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 57195 - MATH 1314 - 269
HYBRID: This course has online or remote instruction with an on-campus (on-site) component. This is a full-term, Flex II course.

Students must enroll in MATH 0214 CRN 57208. Together, Math 1314 and Math 0214 meet on Tuesday and Thursday from 2:00pm to 4:10pm.

DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Instructional Materials Charge.

Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Oct 22,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, Blended/Hybrid Class, *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">San Antonio College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Hybrid Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm TR SAC McCreless Hall 206 Oct 21,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture David Chavera (P)E-mail
Internet TBA   TBA Oct 21,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture David Chavera (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 57368 - MATH 1314 - 271
This section is offered fully on campus. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Sep 10,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 9:24 am - 10:50 am MW PAC Ozuna Library Center 134 Sep 09,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Alfredo G Alvarez (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 57369 - MATH 1314 - 272
This section is offered fully on campus. DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK. Instructional materials are included for this course.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Sep 10,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Face to Face Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 10:54 am - 12:20 pm MW PAC Ozuna Library Center 134 Sep 09,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Alfredo G Alvarez (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 57429 - MATH 1314 - 273
The instruction for this course will be delivered via Canvas with no scheduled class meetings. CO-REQUISITE ONLINE COURSE: Students must register for Math 0114 (CRN: 57428) and Math 1314(CRN: 57429). These are 14-week courses and start 9/9/2024 and end 12/14/24. A FREE orientation mini-course is available for students NEW to internet courses by registering for CRN# 23353.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Sep 10,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: DE Co-req College Level Sect, *SELECT Title link for details, MATH 1314 + MATH 0114 Co-Reqs, Online Class

"Y">Palo Alto College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Sep 09,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Mei Yuen Garcia (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 57533 - MATH 1314 - 274
Asynchronous instruction delivered online via Canvas and additional online tools. There will be no scheduled class meetings. This is a Flex II, 8-week course.

DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Instructional Materials Charge.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Oct 22,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">San Antonio College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Oct 21,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Jeremy Ryan Monteath-Valdez (P)E-mail

College Algebra - 57534 - MATH 1314 - 275
Asynchronous instruction delivered online via Canvas and additional online tools. There will be no scheduled class meetings. This is a Flex II, 8-week course.

Enrollment in BOTH Math 1314 CRN 57534 and Math 0114 CRN 57535 is required.

DO NOT BUY THE BOOK. The electronic textbook and the student access code for this class have already been paid for as part of your Instructional Materials Charge.
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Registration Dates: Apr 01,2024 to Oct 22,2024
Levels: Undergraduate, Virtual College
Location/Attributes: *SELECT Title link for details, Online Class

"Y">San Antonio College Campus
Lecture Schedule Type
Fully Distance Educ Course Instructional Method
3.000 Credits
View Catalog Entry

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Internet TBA   TBA Oct 21,2024 - Dec 14,2024 Lecture Conrad D Krueger (P)E-mail

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